Chapter 5

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After the whole ordeal with Senka and the twins, they all stayed at their kingdoms where they sat and think about what would happen in the future soon enough.

Isle of Dawn

Kai was sitting in his cave, a few others were there, too, but, mist if them were out guarding or something, 'I..... Feel strange... Was it what Cynthia, Allen, Aaronne, Bryan and Amelia said? That they're being watched or feel uneasy? Why is it so suspicious.... I should go to Prairie to talk with Al... She lives close to the spawn area after all, alright, let's go.' Kai stood up and walked to the Elders temple, wishing for permission to enter Prairie to meet Alana.

Daylight Prairie

Alana was sitting down close to the rock wall of the area Isle kids would be coming at, she looked at the entrance waiting for someone or atleast Kai to come forth, she looks at the ground, now being consumed by thoughts, 'Why is the feeling of fear stuck on my stomach... Senka already left, the dark creatures too! But what is this feeling of fear.... No... It's the fear of... Loosing friends? Why.... And why are five of my friends suspicious to me... What they said, feel... It feels like.... ' "ALANA!" "GOD WHAT THE FRI- oh... Oh my god Kai... It's just you-" Kai sighed in relief, because of Alana thinking deeply, she forgot about her surroundings.... "Good to see you're out of thoughts, now... I think... We need to talk... " he looks around and back at Alana, "Let's.... Talk... Privately..." Alana knew this was serious so they both sat down in an unused area and talked about what they felt.

Hidden Forest

Cynthia was walking around, she wanted to find a thinking spot for awhile, she had thoughts of many things at the moment, she then found a spot under a tree and it looks like a good spot. She went in and sat there, a small entrance led her to a big room under the tree, there was a bench there and a few spots acting as windows, she sat down and laid her head on the tree's trunk and let her thoughts out, the rain as music to her. Meanwhile, Aizle and Acozida were both thinking about what Cynthia said... "Hey sis, what do you feel about what the five said about a few moments ago... " Acozida asked his sister, he was sucking on a lollipop shaped as a flipped kreb, it tasted like grapes btw, "Nah... Not much... It's just suspicious... The five are the most vulnerable and easy targets for low self esteem.... I'm concerned, worried and scared of what would happen to them.... " Aizle replied, the two were eating candy while talking, Aizle had a lollipop shaped as a butterfly and it tasted like lemons, both of them gone silent after that small conversation, and Acozida finished his candy first, he fell asleep right after Aizle smiled a bit before letting her brother lay his head on her lap.

Valley of Triumph

Allen was taking a nap leaving his friend, Arno, to himself, he, also got stuck on thoughts, what the five of them said yesterday caught him off guard as normally, he would've attacked Senka first hand and he didn't, he looked at Allen then back at the Sky kids having fun out, 'why... Was it that suspicious to make me get caught off guard? I never leave my guard down.... But... It's just so.... So.... Distracting.... Sigh, guess I have to check on the others as well, might ask the Elders as soon as Allen wakes- never mind... He already is.' "Good afternoon sleepy head... " Allen looked at Arno with tired eyes, then he returned the greeting, "Hey, wanna come with? I'm planning to go to the Prairie to meet up with Alana for a bit." Arno asked pointing to the first race as it was the easiest race, Allen shook his head, no, "Nah, I wanna continue sleeping, enjoy yourself bro, cya... " Allen then fell asleep again, "I honestly don't know how you sleep so easily Len.... " Arno mumbled to himself, he got up and left to the Elders.

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