Chapter 36: Too Late

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"Hey, what are you guys doing over there? It's almost time to start the plan." Sasuke called out in the dark part of the cave, getting our attention. And immediately at the sound of him, we snapped our heads toward his direction, our keen eyes picking up his figure in the darkness.

Ino's body tense up a bit, her lips letting out a deep sigh. "Well, here goes." I heard her whisper before she left to stand before the vampire men. But she didn't leave without sparing me a warm glance, my head nodding back at her.

I smiled and just watched her go, remaining in my spot by the entrance of the cave. My body was super pumped and ready. I felt absolutely no fear or doubt anywhere in my mind.

I, was ready to kill Toneri.. And save…


I smiled even brighter at that, a longing  held in my heart.

The vampires which was located behind my body just stared after me as I leaned forward a bit, just to catch the moon in the distance which was in the waxing gibbous phase. I hummed at that, breathing in the pleasant night air..

Ahh.. It's almost a full moon.

And once that night comes and the moon is full, my kind would become stronger than ever.

But lucky for me, I don't need a full moon to build strength…

I have all the strength I need, right now, and I will use every last bit of it tonight…

For you, Hinata…

I nodded at that, my eyes glowing a deep dark red. I clenched my fists and let out, a low growl, fully ready now..

"Let's, do this…"

A Few Minutes Later

Finally, the team was all ready to depart from the cave we've been lying in to run discreetly through the rustling forest, our speeds immense. Especially mine.

My eyes were narrowed, the color no longer blue but an monstrous red, my mouth set in a scowl.

My body ran faster than the speed of wind, faster than my teammates who all ran closely behind me.

The only person that seemed like they could match my speed was Sasuke, my head turning to glance at him who practically ran beside me, his red eyes glowing brightly in the darkness giving him a creepy look.

I sent a playful smirk his way which made the black emo haired vampire chuckle, his head nodding at me.

Quickly, I turned my head back to look at the other two vampires which made up the team, my red glowing eyes picking up the two individuals who ran side by side, hand in hand as mates.

Sai and Ino held serious faces as they ran along, tagging behind the two of us as we made it closer and closer to the vampire kingdom, completely working ourselves away, from the werewolf side. A side which was unknowingly important.

Soon the huge dark kingdom was granted to use which screamed, vampire lair, my eyes glaring upon it.

There.. That's where that Toneri bastard is holding my Hinata...

But no matter. Tonight I will save her, and make that crazy, diabolical vampire perish.

He needs to be punished for his crimes. And silencing him forever, will do just the thing to bring justice to everyone, who's suffering from his reign… Everything will be, as it should once he's dead.

I couldn't help but grin at such a wonderful thought but suddenly, a hand was placed up to my far right, which my eyes luckily caught sight of, my feet quickly coming to a halt.

Enemies Or Lovers || Naruhina ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang