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The class: *watching a video*

The video: Harry and the King would play tickle fights every day

Me: Lmao that's kinky

Ivytailthecat: *wheezes*

The video: But one day, the King touched Harry's private parts


Me: *stands up*

Me: *bows*

<<this was a different time>>

The teacher: *writes the word 'Analgesic' on the board*

Me, not even a second later: Lmfao a n a l

Ivytailthecat: *wheeeeeezes*

The teacher: Alright those less mature people have a laugh now

Me and Ivytailthecat: *laughing so hard*

The rest of the class: What?

Weird/Funny Stuff I Hear At School BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now