Chapter 16: Alpha Idiot & The Silly Girl

Start from the beginning

Could it be fear that I read? Or was I not as omniscience as I thought I was?

He dragged in a long, shallow breath, "But you lived. You're alive."

The conviction in his voice had me believing that he was trying to convince himself. As if he was telling himself this wasn't a dream...or a nightmare.

"Yes, but what I'm about to tell you now is something that you can't tell anyone else. Please, Aiden, for me," I asked and he gave me a curt nod.

"Anything," He said so quietly that even my werewolf ears barely picked it up.

A small smile pulled at the corner of my lips but I pushed it aside. "Emery has a gift. All of the Lunas of the Blood Moon Pack are gifted with a power when they join the pack. Emery can heal anyone at a faster rate than any werewolf can heal. Cure any wounds that would take our life before we could heal ourselves. She saved me, brought me back to life."

Aiden was startled by this news as Emery was when she learned of her powers. A million questions took plagued his features but I held up my hand. I had to finish this before he asked anything.

"As I said, I was meant to die that very second she started pulling my heart back together. She had to be quick about it but like the miracle of our existance, she saved me. But that didn't come without its consequences."

"You're alive," He repeated sternly.

"For now," I laughed darkly without an inch of humour. "There's no science to explain how she healed my heart and because of that there's nothing to explain why I was left with side effects. Well it was only one anomoly, chest pains every now and again. It was nothing of concern as the pack doctor did all the tests he can think of, but everything was all clear."

Was. Past tense.

"Emery couldn't fix it since there was no real problem to solve. Our only theory is that, because she messed with fate and rushed to heal me, something may have went sideways. I honestly didn't mind it. A few chest pains was a generous offer in return for my life..."

"Then why do you have a medical file?" He asked between clenched teeth.

I tucked in my chin as I felt an unfamiliar wetness in my eyes that I willed away. Aiden was the first person to know what was the latest with my heart besides Dr. Adler. And somehow, speaking the words aloud made it much more real than the pain itself.

"Because the chest pains have been more constant recently. More painful. When I went back to the pack, I asked the doctor to run a few checks for me...and-"

"And?" He asked impatiently.

"And my heart rate is slowing down. It's becoming weaker. Causing more pain, making me short of breath, tired. Dr. Adler confirmed that it's bradycardia. If you read the file you'll see that my heart rate's at sixty-four beats per minute. If it goes under sixty, well there'd be a lot less oxygen in my blood cells which would lead to...bad things."

Death wasn't a word I wanted to associated it with at the moment. It was like that one friend who seeked you out when they wanted something and I'm quite tired of death wanting my life.

Aiden was completely silent and still. For a solid minute I thought that he'd either turn to stone of left the room. But his earratic heartbeat and his addicting scent was every present. As the silence stretched out, I struggled to find the courage to look at him.

Afraid that I'll see the disappoint and regret that I anticipated.

When my eyes found his, I wasn't even sure he was looking at me, but through me. Lost in thought.

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