Chapter 33

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Daryl's P.O.V

We finally made it back to Alexandria to get Henry all patched up. While walking up, we seen Michonne and Aaron peek to see who was at the gates. 

"Henry's hurt. You were closest. I wouldn't have come if we had no other choice" I said.

"What about her" asked Michonne referencing Lydia.

"She's with us" Henry spoke up. 

I nodded towards Michonne letting her know she was with us now. I noticed she was not so sure and leaned over towards Aaron to talk it out before turning back to us.

"Open it" she yelled. 

When the gates were opened, we took Henry straight to the infirmary to get his stitches; Lydia wasn't leaving his side. Michonne, Connie, and I all stood around outside talking. 

"So, where to now. The Kingdom" asked Michonne. 

"Well probably not straight but yeah. Carol should know" 

"This wasn't the plan but I'd do it all again with different shoes" Connie wrote. 

That got a smirk out of Michonne. I can understand why she is so worried about Lydia that is why as soon as Henry is all good to go we are leaving. If Alpha is looking for her, I don't want anything happening near the communities. 

After a bit I went to find Judith and Colleen to talk to them and see how they are doing. I know they are both strong but everyone needs to be check on once and a while. Max is such an amazing mother to our daughter and I appreciate that. She knows how to handle almost any situation. Michonne is the same way and that's why she is one of the best people to run Alexandria and keep our people safe. I just want to talk to them and see where their heads are at with everything going on. 

"Is hilltop in danger" asked Judith. 

"I don't know. Might be"

"But you helped Lydia anyways" Judith continued. 

"No. I went to get Henry. Lydia kind of just tagged along" 

"But you brought her here" said Colleen. 

"That means you want to help" added Judith. 

These two are like two peas in a pod. They think so much alike and are smarter than you think. They are also opposites too. Judith is so much like her brother. She is willing to stick her neck out for someone in need and is ready to jump into battle. Colleen is pretty shy and does not want to get into trouble. She would rather stay back and help with whatever is needed. I am glad they have each other and can balance each other out. 

"I want to help too" said Judith. 

"I know you do"

"Would you stay if my mom says it's okay" she asked. 

"Yeah would you" Joined in Colleen. 

"Nah. I should keep moving. Michonne's right. Keeping you two and RJ safe, this place, that's what's important"

"No it isn't. I mean, just not us. I've heard the stories, how  everyone fought the saviors and won. We can do that again" said Judith. 

"We can stand together again" added Colleen. 

"You guys haven't heard all the stories" 

"What would my dad do" asked Judith. 

I was speechless when she asked that. I really had nothing to say about that because she already knew the answer to her question. 

"Yeah that's what I thought" she said. 

I felt really bad for leaving them again. Now that they are older and know what happened it changes how you talk to them. Since they are old enough to know what is going on, you have to talk to them and tell the truth. I said my goodbyes and am always going to be thinking about them. 

Aaron ended up walking us out. I was grateful for everything him and Michonne are doing for Alexandria everyday. 

"Remember way back when I told you you'd make a great father? I was right. You are a great father to your daughter and father figure towards Judith" Aaron told me. 

"A lot's changed. Back then, we were still building bridges"

I walked up and gave Michonne a hug. 

"Stay safe" she said to me.

"Yeah you too. Keep Colleen safe for me"

"Always" she said letting go of the hug. 

When we let go of the hug, we looked over seeing both of the girls waving to me. 

"They're mad at me" said Michonne. 

"It's cause they don't know. Why don't you tell them"

"They're not ready; Neither am I. They're just kids. They get to keep being one as long as Max and I can help it" she said.

"That's not just little kids we got there" 

I hated to say that but kids have to grow up fast now. Even if we don't like them understanding what's going on, it is better that they do. 

Colleen's P.O.V

Judith and I watched as they left. It was unfair why Lydia can't stay but I can understand why she can't. 

"There has to be something we can do" I said to Judith as she looked off towards the gate. 

"Maybe there is something we can do" she said. 

I nodded. Maybe there is some way that we could convince Michonne . 

"Do you think it could work" I asked. 

She nodded with a grin on her face. I guess if anyone could do it, it's Judith. 

Daryl's P.O.V

We've been walking through the woods for a while. You could tell that everyone is exhausted and needed a break. As we came to the nearest road, I could hear something coming. I was getting my crossbow ready when I seen a buggy appear with Michonne, Judith, and Colleen in it. 

"Anyone headed to the Kingdom" asked Judith. 

I smiled at them and put all our stuff in the back. We hopped in and were headed towards the Kingdom. I can't wait to get their and how the fair has turned out and show Carol her boy is safe. 

Trying to survive sequal to Farmers Daughter (A Daryl Dixion Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now