Chapter 4

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Third Person P.O.V

The people of the kingdom where walking toward the saviors place where they need to get the guns. All of a sudden the men where getting shot down. Someone jumped in front of the king so he would not get shot. Ezikial did not know what to think. He did not know what was going on. Then the king got up and started to freak out. He could not believe what just happened. All of his people where gunned down by the saviors. 

"NNNNNOOOOOOOO" yelled Ezikal.

The someone turned into a walker. The king just looked around. He did not want to kill it but he had no choice. It had to be done if he wanted to live. They were all surrounding him. He had to get out of there. He was hurt tho. It was going to be very hard for him  to try to get out of the situation that he is in. Then  he started to limp away from all the walkers as fast as he could. They were catching up to him pretty fast. Then he fell. He had a gun and only could use the one bullet he had to kill a walker beside him.

"To many just go" he yelled.

"Let me help you, your majesty. I got you" said the man trying to help up Ezikal.

He put the kings arm around his shoulder and helped the king walk. 

"Don't kill yourself for me" said Ezikal.

"I'll do what I have to" said the guy.

"Have you seen Shiva" asked the king.

He did not answer him.  As they walked they came across more walkers. The guy helping the king fell to the ground. He went over to check on him. But it was too late. He was dead. 

"Hands up" said another guy.

He had glasses on. He was not apart of the kings group of fighters.

"Lets move your highness" the guy said. 

He had a gun to the back of his head. He picked the king up and dragged him. He was still badly hurt and could not walk. 

"Forgot about your blade. Give it to me" he said.

"It how I can walk" said the king.

"You can keep the cane" said the man.

Then he took his blade. 

"I gonna need you help. We have a big trip ahead of us" he said to the king.

The the king hobbled along with the guy who is holding him hostage. 

As that guy was about to kill the king one of his men came and cut the guy right in half. 

"Jerry" the king said.

He was pointing to the walkers coming up behind him. He took care of them. 

"Your majesty" said Jerry as he handed the king back his blade. 

"You don't need to call me that" said the king.

"Yes I do" said Jerry.

The he went and used his weapon to cut the chain off the fence. 

"Keep behind me your majesty" said Jerry.

The king did not want to listen. He helped Jerry fight back.

"Thank you your majesty" said Jerry.

"For what" asked the king.

"For being suck a cool dude" said Jerry.

They went and killed the rest of the walkers coming up to the fence. Then Carol appeared. The guns got away but two people where right on their tail.

Maxcine's P.O.V

I was taken to the kingdom to be seen by their doctor. It was to check up on the baby. It was nice they had doctors still. I walked in. I laid on the bed while the doctor looked at my stomach. This was so nice. I wish Daryl could be here to see. He would be so happy right now. 

"OK you are good to go. The baby is doing good" said the doctor.

I said my thank you and walked out. I seen Jerry, Carol and the King walk up. The king did not look good. Then I seen the look on his face. There was no Shiva. I hope he will be ok. We need him to rule over the Kingdom. One way or another.

Daryl's P.O.V

These two guys got the guns. Me and Rick are on their trail. One started to shoot at me. It sent me flying off my bike. I fell to the ground. I just got back on and caught back up to them. We eventually got them. He went off the sided of the road and crashed. I parked my bike and went beside Rick.

"Hey" said Rick. 

Then I seen him crawling up the hill.

"We got the guns. Lets go see if this asshole is still alive" said Rick.

Then we walked down there. He was not alive. Then we took the guns back and did what we had to do with them.

Trying to survive sequal to Farmers Daughter (A Daryl Dixion Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora