Chapter 16

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Maxcine's P.O.V

I went and got checked out by Sedeck. He said that my arm looks good. He does not think it was a savior bullet that hit me. That news gave me a big relief. I needed some good news today. After me he checked out Colleen. He says she is a healthy baby. I am so glad he said that. She is the most important thing in my world. I can not have anything happen to her. 

After I got out of the doctors I went to find Daryl to tell him the good news. I herd him talking  to someone. It was Tara. They have gone at it a lot lately.  I don't know why. I think it might have something to do with Dwight. I listen in.

"Hey" said Tara.

"Hey" he said back. 

"It has been over a day. Still not sick. Doc says I'll be fine" said Tara.

That was good news to hear. We really do not need to be having another person dying. 

"Your a tough son of a bitch" said Daryl.

"Daryl. It means Dwight shot me with a clean arrow" said Tara.

I am starting to side with Tara. She thinks Dwight is on our side. I am starting to think so too. He has not done anything to loose our trust. Tara said he gave himself up for them to get away from the saviors. 

"That means you got lucky. It could mean anything. It's not like a bike where nothing happens" said Daryl.

That man and his bikes. He is always talking or doing something with bikes.

"Daryl" said Tara.

"If Dwight knew maybe he could have warned us or sent us a message. He waited a day and left our people around here dying" said Daryl. 

"Everyone else in the battle who got shot got sick. That can't be an accident" said Tara.

She was right. Why would Dwight have clean arrows if he was not against killing our people. What he did has to mean something.

"So he just gets a pass. That's it" said Daryl.

"Maybe. What you said is we might need him and now we need him more than ever. What I am saying is that if I would have killed him then maybe I would have been dead. Look do what you got to do but know its only for you. I'm out" said Tara.

I walked out after Tara left. I looked at him. I wanted to know how he felt about it.

"What happened there" I asked.

"Nothing" he said and went back to what he was doing. 

I was shocked. We are supposed to tell each other things. After that I just walked away. I was not in the mood to deal with him.

After about an hour I am out with Rick helping him track down the saviors that got away. I needed out to do something. I did not ask Daryl cause I knew he would not let me go.I read the note that Carl left me. It broke my heart. I was in tears when I read it. I just had to get my mind off it.

We walked for a bit till we stumbled upon Morgan. He scarred the shit out of me. 

"Morgan. Morgan. Hey you know me" said Rick.

Morgan did not look like himself. He was different.

"I'm not right" said Morgan.

"Maybe you should not be out here" said said.

>I am not going anywhere" said Morgan about to swing on me.

I backed up slowly. I was not about to get knocked out by him.

"Your out there for them. Us too" said Rick.

"Then we finish it. All of us" I said.

We all nodded. I was time to get this over with. But as we where walking, I get a sharp pain in my head and everything goes black.

I start to wake up to being tied up. I had no clue where I was. I seen Morgan and Rick next to me. The saviors were going on about the bits their friends have. Then Rick starts to talk to them.

"Wait. My trucks not far we can get hi to the hilltops doctor. They can come back with us. You all could. You did not want this. You made a split second choice and you choose wrong. Its not to late. You cute us loose, you coaperate and we give you s fresh start.A chance to a part of our community and to be on of us. I am giving you my word. I know there is not a lot in this world you can trust but a mans word has got to mean something" said Rick.

"You assheads are not dumb enough to believe this" said one of the saviors people.

It was a lot of back and fourth with them. I was getting sick of it already. Then we finally got them to untie us. Then that is when hell started to break loose. We were killing left and right. They needed to pay for what they did.

When we were done Rick and Morgan talked about something that happened before I met them. I was just going to stay out of it. Now the big question is what are going to do now that we took care of these people?

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