35) There's always a second chance.

Start from the beginning

"--I didn't want to leave. You already know that it hurt me alot, but--"

Here it is. The I'm over it. Part. 

"But I didn't want to go. I... still don't want to go."

"Don't," I whisper, my voice low. It just slipped out. "I love you, Leah. I understand you hate me. Please don't tell me you have to leave. I don't deserve mercy but I'm begging for it." I take a deep breath. "It's getting harder every second knowing that after this conversation we're going to have goodbyes and it's hard knowing that even though I might see you now, it'll be too hard to get over you." 

I start to choke up a bit. "So leave if the words I'll hear from your lips are goodbye."

She tilts her head to the side a bit. I close my eyes. I know when I'll open them she'll be gone. 

"Alex, I came here not to leave but to tell you that I still love you. You make it very hard for me to do that," she smiles lightly, sadly, broken. "I shouldn't still love somebody that reckless like you," she steps closer, and chills run all over my body--fire in my veins. "That pushes me away every chance he gets. The truth is you think you don't deserve to be loved. Maybe if you believed it was possible," Leah steps even closer, her voice dropping to a whisper-- "You would see that I want to push back."

I open my mouth, then close it. 

"I want to kiss you so badly right now," I admit. 

"Then do it," she whispers. 

"I can't until you say you forgive me. I'm not that kind of person."

"I know you aren't," she bites her lip. "I--I don't know if I can forgive yet... but I'm easily persuaded," she says with a twinkle in her eyes. "It's not as easy as it looks in the movies. You did hurt me, but obviously you know that. But there's this thing called Second Chances, Alex."

I want to push her against a wall and--"You have no idea how much I've missed you Leah," I say gravelly, and step so close to her that I can gently grab her rosy face and brush my lips against hers. 

She inhales sharply and I slowly peck at the skin, gingerly locking my mouth on hers like there was no time apart from the last. I melt a bit; I've wanted this again for so long. It feels a bit as if I can breathe, a lightness in my lungs.

Leah smiles against my lips and laughs, nervously. I can't help but grin as well. "I fucking missed this," I say, a crack in my voice. "I missed you, your smile. Leah, all of you. I can't even begin to apologize." I take her hands and gently bite at her face. She giggles, grinning ear to ear and it brings me so much happiness I want to kiss her until her lips are numb. 

I kiss all around her face, reliving being able to hold her this close. "Everybody missed you. Nick just came back from his trip to see Kelly a few days ago, Jamie took a small vacation away from everybody. Matt's struggling to hold everything together. He is the best fooking friend ever." I take a deep breath. "Please stay. I don't care what Colin thinks. He can take his opinion and shove it right up hi--"

Leah laughs and cuts me off with her mouth on mine. "I want to stay. These past weeks have been hell."

"Come with me," I whisper. 

I lock our fingers together and I know where I want to take her. 

* * *

Leah's POV

Twenty minutes later of laughing and disbelief that I'm beside Alex again, his familiar scent. I notice after he leads me out of his car that... we're looking at the same hotel I got my tickets with Katie for, the same hotel that my room got mixed up. To think, this was all because of a mixup. 

What the fuck?

You fuckin' tell me!

The first words we said to each other. I thought about that alot. The memory tugs up one corner of my mouth. I look over to Alex and I see so many things in his eyes. He takes my hand and he walks up to the front desk of the hotel, asking if room 504 is available. It was. 

I've missed this. I couldn't believe how much I missed him when I saw him come out of the elevator. It was hard seeing him so broken up about it--I know I shouldn't feel guilty for not seeing that he wrote to me before, but I do.

We go on the same elevator. and I know what he must be thinking.  "You're not psychotic," Alex says chuckling, and runs a hand through his hair. His quiff hangs low. I feel a blush creep up my cheeks.

When the elevator opens, he lifts me up so I'm straddling his hips and walks to 504, fumbling with the keys, and opening into the familiar hotel room scent. The suite with the feathery bed. The shower that I was in that he walked in on me... just to the right. 

Alex must've seen something in my eyes. "God. I love you," he says, running chills down my spine. Something about the way he said it. Setting me down, he then goes to the bathroom and turns on the shower. Water starts to pour. 

He starts to smirk. "It's been so many months but I still remember I met you in this exact spot."

I walk up to him and cross my arms behind his neck. This time he kisses me deeply, smoothly. His hands play with the edges of my shirt, the waistband of my jeans. He takes off his shirt and things move forward and I don't seem to remember but I'm in the shower in only my underwear and he's kissing me under the water. I'm tracing the lines on his chest and letting the steam cloud my lungs. 

And it couldn't get any more perfect. 

I wouldn't want it to.

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