25) That inevitable mysterious phone call

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One of the assistant managers gave our hotel room a call in the morning; since Colin was too hungover to think. She told us that it would be halloween tomorrow. Like shit, I completley forgot. I always dress up for halloween. This will be the first year I won't be back home for it. 

The rest of the guys I knew always dressed up, but I had to ask. I sit up in the hotel bed, in my pyjamas. "Do you guys ever hand out candy? Or is it always halloween parties and booze?"

Matt shakes his head. "Not always booze, Leah. Sometimes cocaine."

Alex laughs, and I can't help but get smile from it. Nick chuckles in the back, and Jamie mumbles something, brushing his teeth. 

"No, but seriously," he says in his familiar accent. "I used to when I was in that 'I'm too cool for trick-or-treating mum,' phase, but I stopped."

Alex shrugged. "I've never handed out candy. It seems a bit weird to me."

I sit up straighter. "Never? Did you ever trick or treat when you were young?"

"Of course!" Alex raises his hands. "I did that door to door thing, but I grew bored when I was a teenager. And by the time I moved out people were already starting to recognize who I was."

"You should've worn a costume," I scoff. "It was halloween, nobody would have recognized you."

Alex shakes his head. "Even with the costume, people still recognized me."

"Then you have horrible costume skills. We're handing out candy this year. I've done it every year."

Alex chuckles, then something flashes through his eyes and I see him blush a bit. He clears his throat. "I'm going out for a smoke. I'll be right back."

And he leaves the room. 

"What did you guys dress up as when you were younger?" I change the subject. They must've been really cute, I can picture them. 

"I was Jack Sparrow, believe it or not," Matt laughs. "And a bear another year, and Beetlejuice another."

I can picture him with the dreads, bear paws and a crazy wig, and I smile. 

Jamie calls out from the washroom. "I was a monkey when I was five and a donut when I was six."

"I was Freddy Krueger almost every year," Nick mumbles, walking over beside the desk drawer to grab his phone.

"Oh my gosh guys, you would've been so cute."

"Would?" Matt mocks offend. "I'm still cute, every year."

* * *

 I was defintely not going to let Alex never hand out candy. I was determined to find him a costume that nobody else would recognize. Breana and Katie helped me pick out the costume, and we looked around the small town for something alright. I didn't ask Alex if I could do this, but did I really need permission?

When I came back around six, nobody was in the hotel room. I called Colin to see what was up and turned out the band had gone to a halloween party. I wasn't invited because only Arctic Monkeys were, and then it was just Breana, Katie and I alone at the hotel. 

I called Alex and he couldn't hear me that well over the speakers. I decided to hang up. 

I watched the news while Breana did Katie's hair, and saw a few moments of the party live. The band wasn't having that much fun, but the place did look inviting. 

An hour later, already done for waiting for the band to get back, the phone rings. I jump up, expecting it to be one of the guys, or at least hoping. 

"Hey," I say, propping up pillows behind me. "How's the party going? I mean, it looks fun but--"

"I'm not at a party," a woman says on the other end of the line. "Who is this?"

Retreat, retreat. Definitely not one of the guys. I sit up, a bit alarmed. I recognize the voice but I don't know from where. Breana sees my alarm and looks over to me, intrigued. "Who is it?" She whispers. 

I shrug. "Um, I'm Leah Greene. Who are you?" 

"Oh. Oh. It's you," The voice is awkward, hesitant. "Sorry, I shouldn't have called--" 

"Wait! Don't hang up," I say. "Who is this?"

"Sorry, sorry. Um, I'm Arielle. Is Alex there?"

I swallow, my eyes going wide. I cup the speaker and put the phone down. I look to Brea. "It's Arielle," I mouth over to her, "looking for Alex."

"Fuck," Breana whispers back. She picks up the other phone in the hotel to listen in on the conversation. I sigh and pick the phone back up. 

"He's not here right now, he's at a party."

"Oh, cool. That's why you were talking about the party," she says, disappointed. "Sorry for calling."

Things click in my head. "Um, why did you even need to call in the first place? I can take a message for Alex if you like," I say a bit sassily. 

"It's okay, I'll just talk to him later." Arielle says naturally, not realizing what she said.

"Wait, why would you be needing to talk to him later?" I snap, harsh. Breana cups her mouth, trying not to giggle at the drama. Katie takes a deep breath, hair half done in a fishtail braid. 

"It's not like that!" Arielle exclaims. "I--"

"It's--whatever. Anything you need to tell Alex you can tell to me."

Breana bites her lip. 

"I was just wanting to know something, you probably wouldn't know anyways. You haven't known him long enough."

"I don't think you're in a position of standing when you're not dating him anymore. Don't forget that you've split up, remember?" 

Arielle hangs up, and all I hear is the dial tone. 

I put the phone back down. 

"What the hell," Breana says. 

I run a hand through my hair. "I know. Why did she want to talk to Alex?"

"I have no clue," Katie chimes in. 

We eventually get back settled in, but I'm not relaxed anymore. A million questions run through my head, all of them unanswered. First of all, why would she call back? Does Alex know about this?

I know what happened a few days ago in the washroom, about how he said he can't go back to Arielle. He'll follow through. He wouldn't... go back to her, would he?

I've been so busy feeling special to see that Alex maybe still has feelings towards his ex. 

I Wanna Be Yours (Arctic Monkeys Fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum