1) Embarrassment tends to find me, eh?

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"I'll go get snacks right across the block. You get checked inta our room, I'll meet you there. Oooh," Katie adds, sniffing the air. "And you might want to consider taking a shower."

Yeah, since I was woken up at two in the bloody morning and didn't have time for one. Did I mention getting splashed by the tracks of a Jeep in a muddy puddleon the way there? 

Katie grins widly, practically bouncing on her feet as she walks out of the hotel. She'll take awhile. I know her; a simple trip to the convenience store might take her an hour. I walk up to the hotel clerk, ready to check into the room, or what my best friend Katie calls it, "the free hotel opportunity of a lifetime." We won the tickets on some silly contest she entered and it was special that it was a room to this hotel because the Arctic Monkeys were stopping by for a few nights. But who cares? We won't see them. 

After the woman hands me the keys to room 504, (one off from being downright hilarious) I head up with our luggage onto the fifth level and four doors down, see the room. I swipe the card, and the door opens without a sound, letting me in to a luxury suite with the smell of joy and californian air. 

I let the door close behind me and flop onto the bed, soft and feathery. 

Two minutes later I twist the knob on the shower and get the water running, and once it's hot, pull the plug and warm water streams from above and splashes onto the shower curtain. I unplug the drain on the tub and since nobody's here, keep the door open so that the bathroom doesn't become a hellhole to breathe through the steam  in. 

I undress quickly and hop into the warm water, scrubbing at my face and detangling the dried up dirt on the strands of my light brown hair. It feels nice to get clean again. I even hum a bit to pass the time; I'm a horrible singer though, so I don't dare sing words. 

When I'm almost done the shower, I hear the familiar click of the door being swiped open, and realize Katie must have checked in as my friend and gotten her own key at the desk. I told her that I'd come meet her at the lobby once she texted me getting back. She'll be pissed I didn't answer. Whatever, I'll apologize later. 

The footsteps grow nearer and my heart starts to race when I see a hand grasp at the curtain that isn't Katie's and a voice that's extremely recognizable, "Jamie, we need you to co--" the voice starts.

I scramble for the curtain and try to awkwardly wrap it around my body, screaming as I do so, looking back at the man in front of me.

"What the fuck?"

My heart kinda stops. "You fuckin' tell me!"

Alex turner blinks back at me, cheeks starting to blush a bit. Mine I feel are beet red. He furrows his brows. "Are you one a THOSE fans?" Turner almost sounds a bit scared. 

"No no no!" I go to wave my hands in empahasis but forget about the curtain and push it back just in time. "Why are you one a THOSE perverts?"

Turner blushes a bit more. "Nah, it's just a bit weird that you're in my room, that's all," he says sarcastically. 

"Huh?" I shake my head. "Let me get dressed, then we'll talk, buddy." I don't care who he is, he doesn't get to saunter into my room and pretend it's his.

Turner happily obliges and looks away, stumbling out of the bathroom. I quickly get out and slam the door rather a bit too hard behind me, and get dressed as fast as I can. I wipe the little mascara that smudged underneath my eyes and squeeze out the water in my hair, my pulse racing through with what-the-fuck-i-just-met-alex-turner and what-the-fuck-why-was-he-in-my-room adrenaline. 

I open the door and step out into the room, feeling awkward and unprepared, hoping to whatever God there is that he didn't see anything before i wrapped the curtain 'round me. 

"Alex," he introduces himself, sitting on the bed, holding out his hand. I slowly approach him, wary, and shake it. 


He grins awkwardly for a second, then turns to puzzlement. "So Leah, how did you get into our room?"

"It was mine, I swear," I say. "I checked in because I had won a contest that gave me three free nights at this hotel and the lady behind the desk gave me a room key to 504." I excuse myself and walk quickly to the bathroom counter where I left my key and show it to him. 

He raises his eyebrows, the quiff of his hair falling in his face, staring at the key. "Well if you look a' that." Turner looks up at me and shows me his card; and his paperwork, and the hotel's legal forms that helps provide service to the safety of reserved guests that would be endangered by fans that would want to meet them in their rooms; AKA people that Turner thought was me. 

I call the housedesk and a different woman picks up. 

"Hello, this is guest relations speaking, how may I help you?"

"This is Leah Greene, from 504."

I hear a pause and a muffled whisper. "Leah Greene is checked into 404, miss."

I look over to Alex, whose waiting for the end of the call, then look away. "Leah Greene," I say, "was told that her room was 504 and was given a room key to that specific number. I was calling to see if there had been a mix-up."

"There has been no mix-up miss. Leah has been checked into 404. If you are sure that the card reads 504, please see a counselor at the front desk in the hotel lobby."

"Thaannkkkssss," I drawl, then hang up. 

Turner lifts his eyebrows to me, hands folded across his lap. 

"Apparently there has been no mix-up," I say sarcastically. "They told me to show them that my card reads 504, and when they realize, they'll give me a new card and I'll be on my way." I pause. "I'm really sorry about this, then. Glad to meet you.

"I'm a huge fan," I add, and smile a bit. I can't believe I'm standing right in front of Alex. I can't really even comprehend it. 

Then I scurry off to my luggage to go and sort things out. A million thoughts buzz through my head. But I see Alex offer to carry my luggage. He says he's going down their too to make sure of a few things and might as well. 

All I can think about is how near the Turner is on my left as we go down on the elevator. 

Until the elevator stops midway between levels and stops moving. 

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