2.5) We don't need to press charges

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"Harassment of a celebrity, Leah? What were you thinking!" Katie says. I stand awkwardly in the little jail cell I had stayed overnight in while Katie bails me out. "It's all over the internet!"

"Psh," I say. "It can't be that bad. And he deserved it." I walk out of the door and into the hallway, making my way to the front of the police station to get my handcuffs removed. 

"Are you sure? Because your rant has been autotuned on youtube, made a hashtag on twitter, an "alex splash cam" on vine, and dont even get me started on what the internet has said about your "hot steamy sex" line at the end of your rant. What were you even THINKING???"

"I was thinking he was being rude," I say as a weak arguement. I thank the guy who unhandcuffed me and we walk outside to Katie's car. 

"Yeah, so the practical thing is to get yourself thrown in jail to prove the point that you're not psychotic." 

Katie looks so upset. "I thought you'd be proud of me. Or at least not upset. I talked to fucking alex turner. im temporarily famous."

"Normally, I would," Katie squints her eyes at me, and starts up the car. "But my mom saw and is making me go back home because of it. She says I can't hang out with you anymore." She pulls out of the parking space and onto the road. 

Just as I'm about to say something back, my phone rings. It's always text so I wonder why somebody would call. I pick it up. "Hello?"

"Yeah. It's Colin Lester, manager of Arctic Monkeys."

Oh shit. "Pull over," I say to Katie. "Um, yes?"

"Is this a bad time?"

"No, not at all. What do you want?" 

I hear heavy breathing on the phone. "So we need you to come meet us at our office to discuss a few things."

"What if I don't?" I say, not really wanting to see Alex right now. It's crazy because two days ago I would've give anything to see him. Funny how life works. 

"Then Alex will press charges, and or get a restraining order."

I exhale slowly. Of course. "Where's your office?"

He tells me the address and I note it down on my phone. I'm to meet them at as soon as possible. 

Once I'm off the phone, I tell Katie the whole story. She's still pissed, but she says she'll drop me off there, and I have to somehow get my own money to fly back home. Nice going, Leah, I tell myself. 

Now I'm just some crazy fan to Alex, an obstacle to their manager, and a scary stranger to Matt, Nick, and Jamie. I'm the media's puppet and on the way to their office I look at some of what the internet has to offer and am officially scarred at what they have made me into. 

When I step out of the car, Katie zooms away without a goodbye and I head into the building, all eyes staring at me.

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