11) Minor injuries, a marathon and miles

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"You can't go in there miss--"

I flip her off and walk in, the white walls so sterile, the fluorescent lights harsh. I always hated the smell of hospitals. Always smelled like soap and death. I see Alex propped up on a few pillows. He has a bandage on his right arm and looks pale. 

I rush over to the bed. "God, Alex what happened?!"

"Leah, go away," he says, half drugged. 

"Not until you tell me what happened." I look over at the bruises on his face. His black eye is swollen and the cut on his lip is fading. I reach out to his lip and brush my finger over it lightly. It's still cut. Alex and I then exhange awkward eye contact and I put both hands back at my sides. "Sorry," I mumble. 

"Bar fight, that's all. I'm fine. Go away," he says again. 

"You're not fine. You're checked into the hospital," I contradict. 

"Minor injuries. Some random guy called 911 because I had passed out," he says timidly. "Now, please. Go." He shakes his head but his teeth seethe; clearly that's painful. "Colin promised."

"And he kept his word. I found out myself," I say. 

Alex doesn't question that for once. He sits up in the bed, slowly. A few nurses carefully watch him. One stares longer at Alex and i don't like it. He turns to me. "Leah. Please."

Something in his stare, his deep brown eyes and serious, yet defeated eyes make my mouth close shut. I swallow, knawing on my lower lip a bit. "You're going to have to tell me sooner or later what happened."

Alex shakes his head again, and then I see his face try to contort his expression to normal, but I still see pain. If this was a barfight--if--then it was a really bad one at that. I want to find out but I don't want to hurt Alex mentally while he's already at his worst physically. An embarassing thought courses through my head but I banish it away, feeling awkward for thinking it. 

"Maybe, that's all I can promise," Alex mumbles, lying back down. 

I decide not to say more, heartbroken. Of course Alex doesn't want to see me. He wants to his friends, the people he's known all his life. This isn't self pity I feel. It's stupidity. I shouldn't of come here. I should've waited at the hotel. 

Just as I leave the hospital I hide behind a building corner, seeing the rest of Arctic Monkeys pull up. As well as David and Penny. 

I don't know what to do with myself. I don't want to go back to the hotel. I'd go to the bar I saw Alex at last but then... maybe I would be psychotic. Or obsessed. I'll give Alex his space instead. 

I call Miles. 


"Hey! It's Leah."

"Oh. Hi. How's it going?"

I shrug even though he can't see me. "It's been better."

"I saw the news last night. Is Alex okay? Hell, are you?"

"Alex is alright. Me? Just a bit lost. I don't know what to do with myself." 

Miles pauses. "So you don't have anything to do?"

"Nada," I say, interested. 

"I'm watching Friends on a full marathon today. Today's my break. Wanna watch with? This popcorn isn't gonna pop itself," he asks. 

I chuckle. "Sounds fun."

* * *

He's in a motel flat by himself, he tells me his adress. I knock on the motel room he said he was in, after coming into the building drenched from the rain. It's been a gloomy day. 

"Hey. I didn't order a drenched puppy," Miles scolds. 

I laugh, inviting myself in, and take off my coat. "Where should I put this?" 

"Just on the chair over there." I toss it. "I'm on season four right now. Have you watched it?"

I nod. "Huge fan. Like rewatched it at least six times."

Miles purses his lips. "Impressive. Yet, so not. This is my ninth."

I punch him on his arm. "Rude," I sing. "Now where's this popcorn you promised?"

"At the store." Miles cheekily smiles. 

I groan. "Come on, I'm not going out there again."

"Nah, I was just kidding, gosh, Leah," Miles jokes. 

Phew. I really wanted popcorn.

"I actually ate it already," Miles finishes, grinning. 

I look at him unamused. I sigh. 

* * *

After, he offers me a ride back to the hotel. Luckily for me, I wrote down the address, so I didn't forget it. The rain was slowing to a drizzle when I came back at seven o'clock. I thanked Miles for the ride. What a could-have-been-a-waste-of-a-day turned to a fun-tv-marathon-kind-of-day. I used my room key and walked on in. 

Alex had been released from the hospital. All four of them were on the bed, talking. Jamie was lying down, Matt sitting up on the edge of the bed, Nick sipping some scotch, and Alex leaning against the bed's headboard. They were talking and laughing about something, and I felt like an intruder. 

"Oh, hey Leah," Matt says. 

"Um. Hey," I say, shrugging off my coat. I try to avoid eye contact with Alex. But it's so hard. He's staring right at me, not saying a word. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Ah, nothing much," Jamie pipes in. 

I sit down on the edge of the bed beside Matt. I feel Alex's gaze on me. I try not to think about him. Not his lips. It's clear that he's trying to forget whatever happened between us yesterday. Hell, I don't even know what happened after the party and what went on through his head. Probably regret. If he really did say he didn't want to get involved with me, then I guess that was just a one time thing. Or he was teasing, and that was some kind of sick ruse. 

The hotel phone rings. I go up and answer. 

"It's me, Colin," I hear the voice on the other end say in a happy manner. Wonder what perked him up. 

"Helloo," I say. 

"So I just got off the line with one of my assistants. She typed an anonymous source at the LA times paper, and told the paper that she found out that the Alex turner is going out for dinner at La Grande Château with his girlfriend Leah Greene."

"Why would she do that?" I ask, not understanding. 

The guys try to listen in on the conversation but they can't hear. "Because we need hidden paparazzi for your date tonight. Wear something snazzy."

"Snazzy? Who uses that word anymore."

"I do. Now go tell Alex. Get in a taxi. Eat a free meal. Pretend to enjoy yourselves. Be. Better. Actors. Got it?"

"Fine," I say. "Free?" I confirm. 

"Yes, Leah. We're paying. Now hurry."

He hangs up. I look over to Alex. I seem like I'm the last person he wants to eat supper with, but I can't not do what Colin asks. I take a deep breath. 

"So we have to go to La Grande Château," I say, looking at Alex. "Colin's orders."


A/N: So i just wanted to say thanks to everybody and I have so many plans for the story and I can't wait to write them. And I love your comments so much! :D They make my day.

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