I watched Avery pull back his hair into a ponytail when it was his turn to hit the bong. He pulled his hoodie forward, dropping his crystal necklace into his shirt before he leaned forward. He took the lighter from Billy's hand, bringing it to the bowl as he brought the mouthpiece to his mouth. With an easy swipe over the lighter, he pushed it to the edge of the bowl and the smoke began to gather in the pipe.

My eyes were already blurry- it didn't take a lot for me to get high, to be honest. The colors were starting to look different... along with Avery. He looked shinier, brighter, and overall really cool to look at. His scent was intoxicating, almost like he was right up against me.

He pulled back from the bong, pressing his back up against the couch and letting out a deep sigh. The smoke trailed from his fuller lips as he closed his eyes, his head tilted up towards the ceiling. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him- it was like he was the only person in the room. Like we were in this small bubble together.

His red eyes finally opened as he tilted his head in my direction, a faint smile appearing on his lips as he leaned closer to me. His eyes trailed from my forehead, my eyes, all the way down to my lips. His face was so close to mine I could smell the sweet cherry fragrance of the bong on his breath... and before I knew it, his lips were on my own. I only smelled, felt, tasted, and heard him at that moment. I wanted to pull away from him to see the expression of delight he had on his face, but he held me in place by his own hand to deepen the kiss. He overpowered my senses as he pressed his own chest against mine, his free hand finding its way up my shirt, and pushed me against the couch further.

His mouth had power over me. It forced me to clench my eyes shut and allow him to take control of the kiss, his mouth and tongue sweep across my bottom and top lip, soon to be pressed inside of my mouth all over again.

I didn't feel alone anymore at that moment. I felt all of him, yet I wanted more and more from him. I almost felt helpless against his arms, but... I felt myself sinking, yielding, and falling into the arms that left me limp to touch.

He parted my shaking lips. It sent wild tremors along my nerves, leaving me desperate to feel his insistent lips on my own again. I felt my hands travel up his own shirt, desperately clenching onto him to kiss me again. I wanted to cry out to him, beg him to kiss me again with everything he had.

That was until realization dawned on me. We were still sitting with everyone on the couch... the bubble I felt like I was in had popped in seconds of time.

They all didn't really notice what was going on, since they were higher than us. They were either laughing, staring at the wall in silence, or already in the kitchen to get something to eat. Avery took one last look at me before pulling himself up from the couch, muttering that he was going to go sit in the other sitting room that Ayran had in his house. I couldn't find the words to speak as he began walking away, pushing his shaking hands into the pockets of his hoodie.
I didn't bother to get up.

I knew I have been laying here for at least half an hour. Avery left me to go sit by himself for a while, probably to collect his thoughts about what just happened. I know I had to.

He had this look in this eyes after he locked eyes with me. He looked almost guilty for kissing me. I figured it was because I was high and I can barely form a sentence, but... I kissed him back. He must have known I wanted to kiss him too, right?

My body felt an overwhelmingly calm, fatigue feeling that left my arms weak. The ceiling was swirling different and the couch felt like I was laying on cotton. I felt everything around me. It felt like I can feel the air, the ceiling light above me, and everyone else in this room. I felt everything.

Suddenly, the sound of Avery screaming filled my ears and knocked me out of the fog I was in. My body shot up from the couch, running into the sitting room where Avery stood in front of the
TV... with everyone else following behind me.

"What's wrong, dude?" Billy asked, approaching him with a hand on his shoulder. He was staring at the TV, leading to all of us following his eyes.

The news was on... and it was a live news recording of his house. The house was up in flames with the title "house up in flames near Clarity Route."

There was no way he did that... it's insane. It must have been on accident...

He pushed past all of us with tears threatening to pour from his eyes. We all piled out of the room as we watched him bolt out into the darkness of the night with nothing but the clothes on his back.

"What... what happened? Why is his fucking house on fire?" Ayran said in disbelief. I shook my head, thinking back to what my papa said earlier. It couldn't be happening... it can't. Aren out of all people wouldn't do something like that. He was the one who always went to my dads church and participated in all of that shit. It just doesn't make sense.

"Do you guys remember all that stuff with my parents that happened all that time ago?" I asked them. It was a stupid question to ask. Everyone knew somewhat about what happened to my dad and the cult that used to be my uncle Matthew's church before he took over.

My grandpa was a really bad guy. I don't know completely what happened to my dad and Uncle Matthew or even my grandma, but I know it was bad. They never wanted to give me the full story because it was traumatic for all of them to bring up.

"Yeah? What does that have to do with anything, James?" Amber asked me. I turned towards all of them, their eyes following me in confusion as I tried to find the words to speak.

"I think it's starting up again somehow. I don't know how because my grandpa is in jail, but everything is getting weird again. Aren has been saying some weird shit to Avery and nobody has been going to either of the churches, I-I don't know how to take it-"

"He's under tight security at the jail. Nobody has called him for years and he's old as hell now, he might not even be alive. I don't think he's trying to start up again." Sapphire said to me. She placed a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it gently for reassurance.

"...let's just go follow Avery. I really hope that I'm not right."

Darker Than Sin (BoyxBoy) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now