Chapter 18

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Unknown POV

It was pouring outside. The rain barely seeped through the high trees of the forest, leaving both of us with his struggling grunts. He thrashed around in my arms, trying to break his hands free from the grip I had around his wrists.

''Quit struggling!'' I barked at him, only for him to fight back even more. It was annoying me more than it should have.

I took both of his wrists in one hand, reaching for my knife that sat in my back pocket before pressing the blade to his neck. He stopped struggling against me, the grunts that seeped through the bag stopping abruptly in fear.

''I'll kill you before we even get there,'' I started. He let out a shaky sigh in response, trying his best not to move a muscle. ''He wants you, not me. You're fighting the wrong guy.''

I don't know if he stopped from fear or curiosity, but he let me push him further into the abandoned woods.

''Good. You'll just tire yourself out.''

We finally got to the abandoned house after an hour or two of walking. I was basically dragging his tired legs as we walked up to the front door, my eyes meeting Aren's dark ones.

''You got him?'' He asked, pointing towards the kid who stayed quiet under the bag. I shrugged my shoulders, looking towards the shaking hands of the boy. He was terrified.

''There were three of them, to my surprise. I just took the one that looked the weakest.'' I said to him. ''The boss has a lot of grandchildren.'' I continued, walking inside of the house behind him once he unlocked the door.

The adults and children stood waiting for me on either side of the dirty walls. Some stood on the broken downstairs as they looked down at the three of us, awaiting orders from Aren and I.

''All of you to your rooms. I told you guys not to wait around like this.'' He scowled. Some of the children tugged on their mother's dresses, but they persisted.

''Did you do it? Did you kill her?'' An old woman asked me. She was struggling to stand even with her cane while her whole body shook. She looked like she was ready to croak at any minute.

''I wonder what would happen if we gave her some McDonald's sprite.'' I started, looking over at Aren's angry eyes. ''Oh god, or even some pop rocks! That would be funny.''

''Shut up, ghost. Just shut up.''

We eventually got everyone to go to their rooms. The house was more like a big haunted mansion you'd see in those shitty 80's movies with a bedsheet for a ghost. The rooms look like they were straight out of a horror movie with the wallpaper ripped and the hardwood scratched, but the moms around the house tried their best to make it liveable. Not like it made them any better people for bringing their kids here, but who am I to talk!

We dragged him up to where the boss's room was, where he waited for the three of us. The hallways buzzed with children who peeked through the doors to look at us, mothers who looked at me disapprovingly as they held onto their wrists. It didn't make any sense to me, to be honest. Is it the big scar across my eye? Maybe the mask that I never take off? Oh, or maybe the fact that I'm their 'God's' assassin? It's honestly a load of bullshit if I'm being honest with you.

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