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Some Yonghee and Yongsun sister moments. Enjoy~

Weeks have passed and Moonsun is back to normal. Solo schedules and group schedules overlaping to each other, while having rest and practice in between. And two weeks to go it will be their anniversary, they decided to just travel around Korea.

Yongsun POV

I'm waiting for Yong, I need to talk to her about something that keeps on bothering me since 2 weeks to go, Byul and I will be celebrating our anniversary. I am spacing out in the dining table when I heard the door opened.

"Ohh! Why are you here? Spacing out, huh?" Stating the obvious. I just smiled at her sadly.

"I know. Something is bothering you, wait I'll just change." She said and went to her bedroom to change into comfy clothes.

After a while, she went directly to the refrigerator to get some beer. Really this, unnie. She opened both and slide one to me sitting face-to-face with me.

"Do you think they will accept it?" I started looking and playing with the can in front of me.

"Is this about Byul?" I slightly nod. "It's been years now since you're together, I think you really need to, aniyo~ you should let mom and dad know for Byul's sake..." she said emphasizing the 'should'. I don't know what to do anymore.

"You know them yong~, they want me to have a boyfriend and not a girlfriend. They're literally saying it to my face." I reasoned back.

"Isn't Byul the boyfriend one." She said giggling a little. Yes, Byul is literally the man in our relationship.

"Is that why you introduce her as your best friend, when we're having a family dinner one time? I saw how Byul is hurt that time. I can see it in her eyes. Oh not just the family dinner, when mom visited unexpectedly and Byul is sleeping in your room. Mom asked why is she here even though you're not here, I don't know what to say that time." She said, I don't know about that part. That mom caught Byul here, sleeping specially in my bed.

"I'm okay with your relationship Yongsun, I'm supporting you whatever you want or do. But please be considerate to Byul, she really loves you so much that you lasted this long even though you are hiding her." I looked at her and said, "I'm not hiding her." Yong just shrugged.

"I know you can't public your relationship but please let the family or your close friends know about it. You know, she really really treats us well." She said that made me think. The only one who knows about our relationship is our CEO, manager-nim, our members, her family, Yong hee-unnie, and some of our staffs that has doubts but doesn't want to meddle with our personal lives.

"Thank you, unnie." I said and she came to my side and hugged me as my tears is already building up. This is making me stressed.

"Why did you suddenly bring it up? I know Byul doesn't want to talk about this topic." She asked.

"We went to her family house, and her mom asked when can they meet our parents." I answered.

"You're doomed." She stated.

"Yes, it's driving me crazy" I shared. "I don't know what to do anymore, I feel bad for my Byul." I continued.

"Do you want me to come with you?" She suggested. "We can go when you're free, i'll take a day off."

"Thank you, really." I said and hugged her. The night went like that, sharing troubles and being there for each other. A rare moment for me and noona.

Will Solar's parents accept MoonByul for there daughter?

Part three to go!! Didn't notice that this will be in 3 or 4 parts. keke I tried putting some korean words, so that we can both learn hehe

Shortcomings - A Moonsun Short StoryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt