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Yongsun POV

After the playtime in the playground, manager-nim asked if im coming back with them.

"Aniyo~ Byul said her mom made a feast at there house. Won't you come?" I asked back.

"I still have errands in the company, even though I wanna come. Tell Byul, thank you." Manager-nim said.

"Okayy~ Please take care." I said and waved my goodbye to them.

Moon House.

"Babe, wait." I said so that I can put some make up, I don't want them to see me too much bare faced. "Wae-yo?~" Byul asked back and eyed me.

"You don't need to pamper up, babe. You're my Yeba, remember?" This greasy hamster, really. (Yeba = pretty fool)

"You didn't allow me to buy some flowers on the way, or even some gifts for Seulgi or Yesol. I don't want to come empty handed." I said and we got out of the car with the corgis, they started running into the small backyard.

"Mom doesn't like flowers, Seulgi is having her part time you can't spoil her, and Yesol already have tons of toys from the members." She amswered back, nagging at me.

"Deh. Deh." I didn't realize that the front door is already open and Ms. Moon is smiling at us.

"Omma" Byul said and I said "Ommo-nim" as I bow down.

"Dehh. Come in, come in. Let's eat, I know you're tired from playing with Bak Woon Gang." She said and lead us to enter the house.

Byul made me sat on the living room and leaving me alone here to change and call Seulgi while her mother is fixing the dining table. I wanted to help but they refused saying i'm a guest.

"Solar-ah~ or should I call you Yong Sun?" Her mom called me and i'm still nervous even though we always visit here.

"Yong Sun, ommo-nim" I answered back and went to her. Trying to help a little bit.

"Yonggg~" I looked into the stairs and saw Byul coming down.

"What took you so long? I'm nervous." I whispered to her.

"Omma! What did you do to yong, she's nervous. You've been here a couple of times now, babe" I glared at her. How nice of you to tell that to your mom and call me babe afterwards.

"Heyyy, don't fight we will eat now. Go on and sit. Byul where's Seulgi?" Ommo-nim said.

"I'm here." I heard Seulgi and smiled at her. "Annyeong-unnie" I also said my greetings to her. Yesol is having her piano lessons, according to Byul.

We sat in there six chair dining table. Aboji sitting in the middle, Byul and I is sitting in his right side and in front of us is ommo-nim and Seulgi. We eat happily, praising ommo-nim's cooking, it's really delicious. I bet she is really tired doing all of this, we have 4 main courses and tons of side dishes. While chatting, one thing caught me off guard and that stings me.

"It's your anniversary in two months, right?" Byul's mother asked. Byul just nods her head and I answered 'Deh.'

"Are you going out of the country again? Ohh.. when can we meet your parent's Yong sun, you've been together for years now, right?" That made me choked up in my food and drank some water. I can see Byul eyeing her mother.

"Omma." Byul using her stern voice making her mom stop asking some questions. Her Dad also called his wife. It's not even below the belt, I know I have my shortcomings too.

"We didn't decide for our anniversary yet, we are still waiting for the next months schedule so that we can plan it ahead, ommo-nim. I'll arrange a meeting when our schedule is now okay." I smiled back and I felt Byul's hand holding my hand under the table, assuring that it's okay. I know it's not, even her family is concerned and curious of our relationship now. Of course, it's there lovely Moon Byul Yi.

After the feast, I helped them washed the dishes even though Byul doesn't want it and just let Seulgi do it. How a bad sister.

We watched television when we are the one left in the living room. Seulgi went back upstairs as she want to rest, and ommo-nim and aboji went out to take a bath of Baek ...

I felt Byul's head leaned on my sholder, her favorite spot. "Are you okay?" She asked looking in the tv.

"Huh? I'm good." I answered back and checked my phone to ease the tension.

"I know you're not don't try to fool me, I'm sorry about what happened earlier, babe. Do you want us to go home?" She said slowly getting into the topic.

"Don't start." I warned because i'm still bothered about it, I don't know what to say, and my thoughts are not yet organized. I might say something that may hurt her.

"Wait here." She said and pecked on my cheeks, going upstairs.

I am in my phone when I heard Byul, "Let's go." She said that made me look up to her, she's now holding her back pack, wearing a cap, and ready to go.

We said our goodbyes and her mom packed us some food because she now that we're not friends with the kitchen. I feel bad tho, leaving early like that, I know Byul wants to play with the corgis as she misses them so much.

In the car.

We are approaching the highway silently, it's not like us. The jamming type couple hitting roads.

"Byul-ah. I'm sorry." I started. She went to the side of the road and parked the car so we can talk freely. Yeah, we're having a talk in the middle of the highway.

"I know, don't be bothered about it as long as we're together, I'm okay." She said while looking at me. That made me feel more guilty.

"I know I have my shortcomings too, but please understand me. I'll try to open it to them." I said holding her hand firmly.

Byulyi POV

I do always understand you, always babe. It's quite getting tiring now. I know you can't open it up to your family. We've been together for years now, and that's what you're saying since then. I lost track on how many time did you broke that promise, of me meeting your family. Not as your best friend but as your girlfriend.

I drove again so we can rest now, I drop her off in her apartment so that we can think about the things bothering us and rest.

Continuation next chapt. I don't still know how many parts this will take.
Please support~ and give like juseyooo~

Lovelots 💕

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