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I think I'm bipolar.
I feel very anxious and uneasy when I don't see what I want happening or when things don't go my way..
And I get very emotional too, I want to let people know how I'm feeling but I don't want to tell them.
Its like I act like a tough person but I'm really not, in fact I suffer from my own thinking and it consumes my sane mind making it a reckless mess. How I distant myself from a person and when I open up it all oozes out at once. How bad of a talker I am, to say senseless hurtful words when I'm hurting and end up hurting the other person too.
It's like a cage for me that I've made myself and its not possible to get free from it because it is always within and I wont let go ever.

Thanks for hearing me out 💓

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