The sisters exchanged a look, thinking it over with each other. They sighed and Saoirse spoke, "Fine. We have a deal. Here is our list." She waved her hand and added, "Our number is on the bottom of the paper. Call us when you're done. No delays."

Katherine gave her a look, not liking the fact that she was barking orders. "What do I call you?" She asked.

Saoirse gestured to her sisters, "I am Saoirse, this is my younger sister, Roisin, and this is my elder sister, Ciara. This is William."

The little boy looked away and Katherine introduced, "Call me Katherine."


Later on that day, Elijah and Y/N went to the Grill. Elijah, with all his calm, was able to keep Y/N's stress down with little chatter while they waited for something, anything to pop up regarding Ethan.

While they sat at the bar, a familiar voice popped up next to her. "Day drinking? I thought that was my thing." Damon said, taking a seat in a stool next to her. Y/N rolled her eyes and asked, "Do you have news or something? Or are you just trying to annoy me?"

Damon shrugged, "Do I need a reason?"

"Yes." Elijah and Y/N responded in unison.

Damon held his hands up, "Just came for a drink."

"Then sit over there. No need to sit next to me." Y/N told him.

Damon shrugged his shoulders and moved over a seat to give her the space she wanted. She sighed and looked back at Elijah, who gave her a smile.

A few moments later, more annoyance walked in when the other Salvatore walked into the bar. He walked up to Damon and asked, "Guess who's in town?"

Damon shrugged, "Do I need or want to care?"

"Probably. It's Katherine." Stefan told him, his voice irritated and tired.

Elijah's head snapped up and over to Stefan as soon as he said the name. "Would you mind repeating that?" He asked, standing from his seat.

Stefan told him, "Katherine's in town."

Elijah looked down at his glass on the bar and clenched his jaw once. Y/N felt a ping of jealousy as she saw Elijah's reaction. She asked, "Do you know her?"

"I would hope so." Said a female voice walking up behind them. They all turned around to see a...Elena?...walking up to them. Elijah clenched his jaw again as he let out a breath. Katherine gave him a smile as she walked up to him.

"Katerina." Elijah spoke. Y/N furrowed her brow. She looked exactly like Elena.

"Miss me?" Katherine asked, walking up and beginning to place her hand on his shoulder. Elijah's hand came up and grabbed her wrist before she could touch him. He took a single step closer to Y/N as he told Katherine, "Not especially."

Katherine looked between her and Elijah, raising a brow. "Her? You chose her? Elijah, darling, your standards are getting quite low."

Elijah clenched his jaw at her insult toward Y/N, trying his hardest to maintain composure. Y/N could help but feel a wave of jealousy roll over her. She was one of Elijah's former suitors.

Elijah spoke as calmly as he could, "I'd advise you watch your tongue."

"What are you even doing in Mystic Falls, Katherine?" Stefan asked her, breaking the rising tension between the three. She turned her attention from Elijah and looked back at him, a smirk returning to her face as she said, "I was coming to see you boys, but I ran into"

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