Meeting All the Cullens

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A week later Haven has successfully transferred schools. Today was here first day. Bella takes her to the front office. "Hi I'm here about my sister," she tells the lady behind the desk.

"Ah yes Haven Swan. We're just waiting for her guide. She should be here soon and she'll take over. She can just wait here while you head to class." Bella nods and turns to her sister.

"I'm meet you here once school is over okay," Bella tells her sister.

"Okay," she replies. "Bye Bella." Bella nods her head and heads to class. Haven takes a seat on one of the chairs. Rosalie walks in a few minutes later.

"I'm here for Haven Swan," she tells the front desk lady.

"Ah yes she's right behind you. You and your siblings volunteered to help her," the front desk states.

"That is correct." She hands Rosalie a long slip. 

"Just make sure all her teachers sign this slip."

"Thank you. And I'll make sure." She turns to see Haven sitting down waiting peacefully. "Hi Haven," she kindly greets the young girl.

"Your the pretty lady from the hospital," Haven point out. She was a little taken aback by the child's straight forwardness but accepted the compliment.

"Yes my name is Rosalie. My siblings and I will be helping you while your at school. Is that okay?"

"Uh huh," she answers like a five year old. Rosalie smiles and holds out her hand.

"Let's get to your first class." Haven hops off the chair to take her hand. They walk out of the office and into the crowded hallway. Rosalie noticing how crowded it is decides to carry Haven instead. She carried her all the way to their first class which is Math.

"Ah this must be Haven," the teacher greets them. "I added a desk next to yours Ms. Hale. She can sit there." Rosalie nods and goes to place Haven in her seat. She gets the teacher to sign the slip. The teachers decided to let the Cullens share their textbooks with the girl. Her textbooks would be picked up at the end of the day. "Now class lets get started on the lesson." 

The teacher starts his lesson. Rosalie and Emmett pretend they are taking notes. Rosalie looks at Haven notices she has a bored look on her face. She looks over and notices she's solved all the problems before the teacher had finished explaining. "Haven," the teacher calls out. She looks up from her notebook. "Would you like to try?" With a bored expression she hops off her chair. She walks over to the board. A few seconds pass before she starts writing. Once she done she walks back to her seat. Rosalie lifts her up a little to help her in her seat. "That is exactly correct," said the teacher in disbelief. Rosalie shares a look with Emmett. They expected her to be smart but not like this.

The day continues with the Cullens switching off who would take Haven to her next class. Now it was time for lunch. Rosalie decided to hog Haven for the lunch period. "Isn't she just precious," Alice gushes, "like a little doll."

"She's so cute," Rosalie adds. "I was surprised at how intelligent she is. I don't think she knows it."

"Well she is small," Alice points out. "She's probably more content around us." The girls continue talking. Emmett was making funny faces at Haven to get her to laugh. She was eating happily when she noticed Edward talking to her sister. Haven turns to Emmett. 

"Does Edward not like my sister?" she asked him. Emmett decided to play a little joke.

"No sweetheart he's just awkward with girls like Jasper," he tells her. Jasper glares at his adoptive brother. 

"Are you awkward too?" Haven asks innocently. Jasper and Alice lets out a laugh. Rosalie smiles in amusement. Emmett sits there mouth agape. 

"No sweetie he's just not that bright," Rosalie teases.  Haven giggles as she continues to eat her food. Edward soon joins them. 

"What are you all talking about?" Edward asked them. 

"That you're awkward with girls," Haven answers truthfully as she munches on her fries. Edward raises an eyebrow and looks at Jasper who in turn points at Emmett. 

"She was not supposed to repeat that," Emmett excuses. 

"She's a five year old," Edward points out. "She may be able to solve calculus problems but she still thinks like a child." Haven giggles finding their banter amusing. 

"Yeah just don't let Rosalie influence her," Jasper jokes, "she'll make Haven into her little mini me." Rosalie glares at him in return.  Haven ignores them as she continues eating. Soon the bell rings signalling the end of lunch. Rosalie hands Haven over to Edward. 

"She's yours now," Rosalie says. "I'll get her after class. Bye sweetheart," she says to Haven. Edwards looks at Haven and just shrugs. Haven didn't seem to mind being passed around. 

"See ya later munchkin," Emmett says as he ruffled her hair.

"Bye darling," Jasper says next. 

"Have fun," Alice says following Jasper. Edward walks off to his class that he shared with Haven's sister. Haven greets her sister and Bella greets her back awkwardly. Haven sits  in the middle of Bella and Edward. The teacher decided that they will just do textbook work for the day. Haven would only talk to Edward. Asking him time to time how to pronounce or write a word. Edward didn't mind helping the little girl. She was getting through the work no problem. He takes this time to notice her scent. She smelled of lilies. It was pleasant; however, it wasn't tempting like Bella's. Bella's scent was mouthwatering almost addictive. Haven was more it was a pleasant smell to be around. He now realizes why Jasper had no problem being around the girl. Her blood didn't really have a scent. One will have to focus real hard to realize it. The rest of the day continued no problem.

Edward gave Haven back to Rosalie at the end of the day. She takes Haven to the school office. "How was it?" the front office lady asked them. 

"It went well. She had no problem with the classes," Rosalie replies.

"That is great. Once she gets used to it your service won't be needed anymore. Just leave her here for now. I believe her sister is picking her up. 

"That's fine." She's turns back to Haven. She crouches down to talk to her better.  "Looks like I have to go now. I'll see next week for school."

"Okay. Thank you for today Rosalie," Haven says. 

"No problem. Now stay out of trouble."

"I will." Rosalie walks out and Bella walks in a few minutes later. 

"Hey Bella," Haven greets.

"Hey ready to go?" she asks awkwardly. 

"Yep," she answers. They walk out to the parking lot. Bella puts Haven in her truck. She looks over to the Cullens. They are all talking to each other.  Edward looks over to see her observing them. Feeling embarrassed she gets into her truck and drives off. It took a good few minutes until they arrived home.

"Charlie won't be home until later," Bella tells Haven. "So I'll make us something to eat tonight." Haven just nods in reply. Finding her sister not that interesting Haven runs off to her room.  The girls still find each other as strangers than siblings. Charlie understands it will take some time for them to get used to each other. He just hopes it doesn't take forever. 

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