VI: An Awakening

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Three Years Later

"Stella!" Bloom exclaimed, chasing the fairy of the Shining Sun down the main hall of Alfea College. When the blonde fairy finally stopped running and turned to Bloom, she was laughing.

"Stella, that's not funny!" Bloom insisted. "Those are freshmen fairies! You shouldn't be teaching them how to turn their spell-books into shoes."

"And why not?" Stella grinned. "I think it brings some much needed fashion sense to that dreadfully dull class. I was doing everyone a favor. You can't honestly tell me that you'd rather have some lame spell-book than a gorgeous new pair of heels?"

Bloom shook her head. "It sets a bad precedent for the school, Stell. Ms. Faragonda has entrusted these students to us; it's out responsibility to put our best selves forward and do her proud."

Stella huffed. "Hey, I don't know what your best self looks like, but I know mine belongs in a hot pair of shoes. I don't see what all the fuss is about, really."

Bloom tried to keep a straight face, but couldn't keep from smiling at her friend's antics. 

"I knew you'd come around," Stella said, grinning back. 

Flora came up behind Stella then, smiling kindly with a glowing pleasantness about her. "Hey, you two."

"Oh! Hi, Flora!" Stella greeted, whirling around to meet the fairy of Nature. 

"Are you two alright?" Flora asked. "I thought you were supposed to be teaching a class right now."

"We were," Bloom said, eyeing Stella. "We, er... ran into some complications."

"Well, hopefully nothing that can't be fixed," Flora responded. "Ms. Faragonda wants to see us all in her office right away."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Stella jumped, eager to avoid any further scolding from Bloom. "Let's go!"

Bloom shared a knowing look with Flora before they both followed Stella -who had already started running ahead- to the headmistress' office. 

When they arrived a minute later, Tecna, Musa, and Aisha were already there, waiting. Bloom was the last in the door and shut it gently behind her. 

"You wanted to speak with us, Ms. Faragonda?" Bloom addressed, stepping to the front of the group.

"Yes," the headmistress nodded, her hands clasped above her desk where she sat. "Girls, what I am about to tell you could be very serious, and it must remain between us. Am I clear?"

The girls all nodded, with a few muttering "uh-huh" and "yes".

"What is it?" Bloom asked eagerly. 

Ms. Faragonda sighed. "I've sensed the reemergence of a very strong source of dark magic. It seems something very dangerous is awakening in the Omega dimension."

The air seemed to turn cold with her words. The girls all froze. 

"What do you mean 'reemergence'?" Bloom said quietly. 

"It is a familiar power source I have sensed," the headmistress explained. "I fear this is could be the return of a powerful enemy you girls have faced once before."

"From the Omega dimension?" Aisha repeated. 

"Hm," Tecna said, "how many enemies have we defeated in the Omega dimension?"

Musa gasped. "You don't think that..."

"Ms. Faragonda...," Bloom swallowed hard before asking, "please tell us you don't suspect that the Wizards of the Black Circle could be back?" 

Winx Club: Dark Magic (Season 4)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें