XXV: When Darkness Reigned

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The Winx sat gathered in a semi-circle before Trian, captivated by the wizard's presence alone,  his tales only adding to the intrigue. After introducing herself and her friends, Tecna had explained their situation to Trian: how the Eternal Dark had reemerged without warning, how Ogron and his wizards had found the host and captured her, and how they feared for the future of Magix and every surrounding realm as a result. 

The girls clung to the elderly wizard's every word, hoping for some encouraging news, but what Trian had to tell them was hardly comforting.

"The Eternal Dark is a terribly dangerous power by itself," the wizard explained, his voice raspy and rough, though -not dissimilar to his demeanor- strangely calming, despite the warning of his words. While they sat, he remained standing, his long robes floating -suspended by magic- centimeters from the floor even though his feet were planted. "Its ancestors, the Dark Fairies, used their powers for many evils, be it corrupting hearts and minds or destroying entire civilizations. They were among the most feared in any realm, and while a few brave souls occasionally dared to challenge them, faring how they may, any rebellion was short-lived when the Black Trinity was formed. When the Dark Fairies aligned themselves with the evil magics of the Wizards and the Witches, their powers became far greater than had been witnessed by any alive at that time. They ruled nearly every dimension with malevolence and cruelty, not hesitating to obliterate anyone who would stand in their way. Half a century would pass before the Magix Alliance would be formed, and by that time there was so much damage that could never be undone or rectified. Entire populations had been all but erased from existence under the Black Trinity's reign."

Looking around the room, Tecna found most eyes were downcast, mourning the countless lives lost to the dark powers that Ogron and his wizards now sought to abuse. 

"We only know of the host of the Eternal Dark," Tecna pointed out, trying to avoid overwhelming everyone with the weight of their task. "We have no reason to believe that any hosts or descendants of the Phoenix' Strength or the Heart of the Abyss are even alive. We just need to know how to overpower the Eternal Dark."

"Hm," Trian stroked his white beard and studied the silver staff in his hand. "I fear there is more darkness in this universe than you understand, young one," he said to Tecna. "There are none who could know the extent of the darkness in existence, nor should there be, for such experience would surely promise destruction and endless torment. Simply because you do not know whether these hosts live does nothing to prove or disprove the state of their being. All I am saying, young fairy, is that it is wiser to prepare for a greater fight than you would like, than to be tragically underprepared for what's to come."

Tecna nodded gently. "Of course, your excellence."

"So, if this Black Trinity somehow did manage to return, how would we defeat it?" Bloom asked. 

"For that wisdom, I would be wrong not to direct you to seek out the sage Reylar, who resides in Hoggar," Trian answered. "You will find him to be far more helpful in terms of strategy than I."

Stella sighed. "Great, another egg hunt. Why couldn't the answers just be in one of Alfea's hundred million books?"

Aisha shot the blonde fairy a look, silently ordering her to keep her voice down. 

"If the answers were that easy to come by, Ogron and his wizards would already be prepared to counter us," Flora observed. 

"Exactly," Musa chirped. "That's why they're biding their time in hiding - so they can gain as much power as they can, and be ready for anything when they finally make their move." 

"Well," Bloom said, rising to her feet, "let's get moving, girls."

Tecna moved to stand as well, though not before looking to thank Trian. "Your knowledge and insight is more than we could have asked for, your excellence. Thank you."

"If I may offer one additional piece of advice before you leave," Trian spoke loudly, and each girl once again turned her head to face him, waiting in anxious anticipation. 

"You may wish to prevent the recreation of the Black Trinity at all. If your enemies indeed do intend to reunite the three dark powers, and they already have possession of a Dark Fairy, they will doubtlessly be seeking out the remaining Witches and Wizards, should there be any left alive. Whether you are certain of their existence or not, it would not be ill-advised to search for them before your enemies do."

"I'd much rather talk down one Witch or Wizard than face off with the reincarnation of the Black Trinity," Aisha affirmed. 

"That makes two of us," Roxy agreed immediately. "Plus, it could mean saving someone else from being captured by Ogron. Just because these hosts are descendants of the Black Trinity doesn't necessarily mean they all want the same thing, right?"

"You're very preceptive for your age, young fairy," Trian commended. "I believe it will serve you well." 

"We're agreed on that one," Musa said, smiling kindly at Roxy. 

"Alright, Winx," Bloom announced, "let's head back to Alfea to regroup with Ms. Faragonda before we move on." She turned to the wizard, "And thank you very much for your help, your excellence. We'd be lost without you."

The aging wizard bowed his head. 

As the Winx made to leave through the same tunnel Tecna's group had entered through -this time, guided by Tecna's holo-map which had recorded their steps from the entrance- the light in the domed room behind them dimmed. When Tecna turned from where she now stood in the tunnel to look back at Trian, the wizard was gone, vanishing wordlessly as though he'd never appeared at all. 

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