XIX: A Troubling History, A Treacherous Future

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"I'm sorry, girls," Ms. Faragonda shook her head. "I fear for what will become of this last remaining bearer of the Eternal Dark. It is a power that the magic dimensions have not witnessed for centuries; few elders will be experienced enough to understand how to handle it, and even then, they very well may not be strong enough."

The seven Winx girls had gathered around the headmistress' hologram in the middle of their living room, and everyone shuddered upon hearing her warning. 

"Have you faced the Eternal Dark before, Ms. Faragonda?" Bloom asked eagerly. 

The elderly fairy sighed. "No, Bloom. This was even before my time. If this fairy either willingly joins the Wizards or is forcibly coerced, you will need the help of those older and wiser than I."

"Who are these elders?" Flora inquired. 

"There are three that I believe may be able to help, should we need them," Ms. Faragonda replied. "Seek them out in case of trouble: Trian of Zenith, Reylar of Hoggar, and Invardina of Isladon."

"One's from Zenith?" Tecna said, surprised. 

"Indeed," the headmistress confirmed. "Your ancestors were instrumental in combating the Black Trinity at the conception of the magic universe."

The Winx exchanged inquisitive, if confused looks with one another. 

"What is the Black Trinity, Ms. Faragonda?" Aisha finally piped up. 

The headmistress cleared her throat and straightened her spine, preparing to share the history of the dark magic wielders from centuries past. "The Black Trinity was comprised of three separate powers, each belonging to a specific and limited lineage: there were the Wizards who boasted the Heart of the Abyss, the Witches with the Phoenix' Strength, and finally, the Dark Fairies who carried the Eternal Dark. On their own, each group was already incredibly powerful, however when they were forced to combine their powers during the Magix Wars, they discovered that they were vastly stronger together. The three small dark magic tribes wiped out dozens of planets and populations during their time, and went along largely unchallenged for several decades. That is, until a few brave defenders of the good formed the Magix Alliance to combat the Black Trinity. They fought for many years before the Magix Alliance finally prevailed, destroying all but a few members of the Black Trinity, who only just escaped with their lives." The elderly fairy paused briefly before saying: "There is more history to be learned of this, but unfortunately many of the records have been lost or destroyed. You may learn more from the elders in your search, but I cannot provide further knowledge for you right now."

"That's alright," Musa said. "This is already making my head spin: I had no idea about any of this!"

"Ditto that, girl," Stella huffed. "I don't think I could remember any more info than what we've already learned today."

"So, what now?" Roxy asked. 

"Now, we find those elders," Bloom decided. 

"Agreed," Aisha said. "Even if they aren't strong enough to help us fight the Wizards or the Eternal Dark, they could provide some wisdom that might help us gain the upper hand."

"That's very astute, Aisha," Ms. Faragonda commended. 

"Definitely," Tecna concurred. "Knowledge can hold some serious power."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Flora said. "Let's go find them!"

Stella groaned. "And here, I thought this was going to an easy mission to Earth to revisit some of our favorite memories from last time in Gardenia? I didn't think we'd be stuck in this rainy city the whole time and then sent off on an intergalactic manhunt. All this stress is doing major damage to my hair." 

"If I promised a luxury spa treatment when this is all over, would you pause the whining at least for a while?" Bloom winked at her friend. 

Stella eyed her suspiciously. "Fine. But it'd better be a great one, or you'll be hearing from me."

"Oh, we don't doubt that," Roxy chimed in with a chuckle. 

"Alright," Musa clapped once, "we'd better get moving, then!"

"Thanks again for your help, Ms. Faragonda," Tecna nodded to the hologram. 

"I only wish I could do more," the headmistress admitted with regret. "Best of luck to you girls. I know you won't let us down."

Winx Club: Dark Magic (Season 4)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora