Part 286

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Nowaki cut his wrist as his appearance started to change.

"Indeed... This is how I really look," Nowaki said

"Fuushin!" Sasuke said while I crossed my arms

"Ill let you handle this one Sasuke, You Nowaki Fuushin whatever your name is You're going to tell us everything we want to know," I said 

"I wonder if you can make me?" Nowaki said while I grit my teeth moving to the side sitting down while Nowaki sweatdrop as I sat down. He shook his head focusing on Sasuke.

Severe Wind Destruction!" Nowaki said while I put chakra around my body to not get blown away. Sasuke was holding it down until Nowaki threw a blade while Sasuke jumped up to dodge it but get blown landing on a branch while Nowaki threw another blade. Sasuke keep dodging the blades Nowaki threw. Sasuke flew towards Nowaki.

Severe Wind Destruction!" Nowaki said while Sasuke got pushed back it made a big tornado. Sasuke used his Susanoo to block it. Cutting it apart.

"This isn't over yet," Nowaki said making a big gust of wind.

"Sasuke your taking to long," I said while Sasuke disappeared. Appearing on top of Nowaki of the winds opening.

"There's no wind So this is the eye of the storm!" Sasuke said making a Chidori going towards Nowaki hitting him. Nowaki was laying on the floor in pain. I walked over.

"No way. Damn it!" Nowaki said

"That took so long made my muscles stiff just sitting there," I said while Sasuke rolled his eyes as I chuckled I stepped on Nowaki chest.

"Tell us everything you know," I said using my sharingan going into his memories. 


"Whats that," I said when I got hit by a wave.

"Im not falling for this again," I said using my sharingan as I see the eyes again. 

Memories over.

When I came back to the real world Nowaki was gone. Sasuke was leaning on a tree with his eyes close.

I tapped his shoulder as we started to walk away to Hell Valley. When we arrived it was smoke everywhere. As me and Sasuke cover our face.

"So this is Hell Valley," Sasuke said while I nodded as we continued to walk.

"The Chinoike Clan really lived here?" I said

"Yes, we did take a good, long look. That's proof people lived here. False suspicion was cast on them and the Uchiha Clan forced them all the way here. The clan had no choice but to settle here. They drank this scalding water hunted down whatever birds they could that flew past ate the meager grass that grew in the soil in order to survive. Weary of fighting the clan never ventured out into the outside world, and scraped out a living so I've heard," Chino said

"SO I've heard?" Sasuke said

"By the time I was old enough to understand. I was already living in Oyashiro's mansion. I was told Oyashiro kidnapped me from Helly Valley just me," Chino said

"You were all alone?" I said having a flash back if I didn't have Sasuke I'll be alone to.

"You were all by yourself?" I said

"What? You're actually interested? How unlike you? Then let me show you both," Chino said using his eyes pulling me and Sasuke in.

"I was the only one from the Chinoike Clan but there were lots of kids like me at Oyashiro's mansion and we were all forced to train to become shinobi," Chino said while we watch her flashbacks of her living with Oyashiros.

"And on that day Oyashiro brought me to the Coliseum," Chino said showing her fighting in the Coliseum meeting Fuushin. Fuushin and Chino having a conversation.

"In the end, we were both assigned to Oyashiro's guard unit and started working and one day, we found it at the Oyashiro mansion And old historical document about the Chinoike Clan. Fuushin and I gathered others who wanted to get out of Oyashiro's mansion and escaped. And we ran towards Hell Valley. We were hailed as chivalrous thieves and we adopted the name, the Lightning Gang and worked for the sake of nearby villages. We were treated like heroes. Every time we appeared, the villagers welcomed us. Thy gave us food and shelter. Everybody was kind. We owed allegiance to no one others were at our mercy. Seeing this, some shinobi villages tried to use us. During the reign of the previous Mizukage the Hidden Mist were our valued clients. That same thing happened then we went after a Feudal Lord who was taking money from the unfortunate. Every village was the same. They wouldn't even give us water. One by one our wounded comrades died. Eventually, it was just Fuushin and me. So we... finally made it to Hell Valley," Chino said

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