Part 284

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"I can't make contact with him, so I'm going to get going," Yamato said disappearing.

"Looks like you won't get to meet Oyashiro," Orochimaru said

"What!" I said

"I told you both, didn't I? He's a very cautious man. I can't imagine he'd stick around after all this uproar. And since the match ended midway, there won't be an ID tag transfer ceremony either. Besides, we won't be able to get any intel on Fuushin, who belonged to Oyashiro's former guard unit, who's making all these exploding humans. This has been a total waste of time," Orochimaru said while I clenched my fist. Sasuke putting his arm around my waist tightening it. Then guy walked up.

"Lord Orochimaru," The guy said whispering to Orochimaru

"What you say? Y/n Sasuke Oyashiro is asking for you both," Orochimaru said

"Go on ahead," Chino said

"What about you guys," Sasuke said

"I'm going to get this wound looked at," Chino said

"ill stick with Chino," Nowaki said

"All right," I said looking up to Sasuke nodding as we started to walk with our hands together. With Orochimaru and the guy. We walked into a room.

"Hello there, I am En Oyashiro, Nice to meet you," Oyashiro said putting his hand up for us to shake but I backed up and hugged Sasuke. While Sasuke put his arm around me. The guy closed the door leaving.

"Is he really En Oyashiro?" Sasuke said

"There's no mistake," Orochimaru said while me and Sasuke walked passed him without shaking his hand.

"It's been a long time, Mr. Orochimaru!" Oyashiro said while Or.chimaru walked passed him without shaking his hand.

"When was the last time we were face to face like this?" Orochimaru said

"It's been so long, I don't remember," Oyashiro said

"What's going on? I don't recall you being someone who'd reveal himself so casually before others like this," Orochimaru said

"It's only because I witnessed something very interesting. (looking at y/n) Though it was quite a shock to see humans explode like that. They're just like the Exploding Humans that attacked the Hidden Leaf, right," Oyashiro said while we sat on the couch with me in Sasuke lap.

"You know about that?" I said

"You can't be in my line of business if you're not on top of the news. They appeared because they were after you both, right?" Oyashiro said while I remember a guy throwing that knife. I looked at Sasuke.

"Perhaps, this time," I said

"This time? Are you saying that they attacked the Hidden Leaf Village for a different purpose. I mean, doesn't it seem like it?" Oyashiro said while me and Sasuke started to think it was our fault the Hidden leaf was attacked. Sasuke clenched his hands while clicked my teeth.

"The man creating the Exploding Humans seems to be a former member of your guard unit," Sasuke said

"WHat no way!" Oyashiro said

"His name is Fuushin. You know him, don't you?" I said

"Hmmm... That kid? He initially belonged to someone else," Oyashiro said

"Someone else?" Sasuke said

"I won him at the Coliseum and assigned him to my guard unit. I believe he was born on a small Island in the Land of Water. When he was young, he was sold off by the islanders because they were scared of him," Oyashiro said

"Sold off?" I said

"Isn't that how it is with the Kekkei Genkai? Weak humans who consider themselves 'normal' always fear unusual power. It's a disadvantage from the moment you manifest it. Though personally, I like Kekkei Genkai. I mean, they're powerful and rare! That's why I've collected all different kinds for my guard unit. I've even slaughtered the rest and left one to increase the rarity... The only thing is because of the difficult situations surrounding their upbringing, many of the kids were rebellious. If I didn't know Medical Ninjutsu, I probably couldn't have tamed them. Fuushin was a relatively good kid, but one day out of the blue, he took the other kids and ran away. I wonder why he ran away? I fed them every day and gave them an allowance," Oyasiro said

"I've heard enough! Did Fuushin have red eyes?" Sasuke said

"Red eyes? Oh now that you mention it... One of the kids who ran away with Fuushin had eyes like that," Oyashiro said

"Ran away with Fuushin?" I said while me and Sasuke started to think.

"What was his name," Sasuke said

"I forgot," Oyashiro said

"Then remember," I said

"You're so harsh, That kid was from the Chinoike Clan," Oyashiro said

"The Chinoike Clan? What is that," Sasuke said

"It's a tragic story," Oyashiro said

"We don't care tell us," I said crossing my arms.

"It goes way back... Even before the time Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha competed for power. Bloodshot eyes... The Chinoike Clan with their Ketsuryhugan. They lived in the Land of Lightning.

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