Part 216

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"Im going to ask you one more time. Is it true that Itachi Uchiha eliminated our clan by order of the Elders? Im asking if it's true!" Sasuke said when he used his Sasunaoo to squeeze Danzo as Danzo coughed up blood.

"Answer me," Sasuke yelled

"I... I didn't think he was that kind of man. Damn Itachi. I see he revealed everything to you both before he died. As I thought the both of you are truly special," Danzo said. Me and Sasuke had flashbacks of Itachi and Madara.

"Answer the damn question Danzo!" I yelled when Madara pulled me back.

"Its not your fight," Madara said whispered. 

"Don't touch me," I said snatching my arm from him

"I... I didn't think Itachi was the kind of man who would reveal secrets," Danzo said 

"Does that mean it's true?" Sasuke said boosting his Sasunaoo while I smirked.

"Kill him Sasuke," I yelled.

"Self-sacrifice... That's what epitomizes a shinobi. Never seeing the light of day. Toiling in the shadows. It is as it was in the past. That is what a true shinobi is. It describes not only Itachi. Countless other ninja have died the same way. Niceties alone will not make the world go round. Peace was attained all because of people like him. People like the both of you who misunderstood couldn't possibly understand. Still... for Itachi to reveal such a secret to the both of you makes him a traitor to the Leaf," Danzo said was able to finish his sentence when Sasuke squeezed him to death.

"Don't say any more about Itachi!" Sasuke said 

"That was too quick somethings not right," I said Madara nodded as I activated my Sharingan looking around.

"Sasuke behind you," I yelled Sasuke widen his eyes turning around

"Your right, Then let us proceed to a battle of the eyes," Danzo said pulling out a kunai going towards Sasuke the Susanoo blocked the Kunai breaking it.

"As expected... Susanoo. Just the thing to protect yourself," Danzo said when he got punched to the ground. When he appeared on top. 

"What the hell is going on Madara," I said using my Sharingan to see if its a type of genjutsu. No, it can't Sasuke chakra isn't disturbed. Can he just die already?

"The power in its attack is as expected," Danzo said when the Susanoo punched Danzo dodging it when Karin screamed me rolling my eyes. Sasuke jumped up open his eye.

"Amaterasu!" Sasuke said Danzo fell in black flames. Sasuke started to breathe heavily.

"Susanoo and even Amaterasu... that's too much just to test Danzo's power. He'll tire himself out," Madara said

"I know what you are saying is true but don't underestimate Sasuke," I said activating my Sharingan. As I looked at Madara when I felt chakra turning around quickly.

"Sasuke! Behind you!" Karin and I yelled Sasuke turned his head.

"Wind Style: Vacuum Bullets!," Danzo said wind bullets came towards Sasuke. One hitting him. Sasuke falling off the bridge. 

"Sasuke," Karin yelled as I rolled my eyes. Sasuke used the blood from his cut doing a summoning Jutsu. The eagle appeared. 

"A new summoning Jutsu? When he get that" Madara said 

"We both have two summons," I said keeping my back towards Madara facing the fight.

" Amaterasu. It's been a while since I last saw that. You are Itachi's younger brother after all. Guess the other one can do it to," Danzo said

"This other one has a name," I yelled with gritted teeth. Danzo gave a side look keeping a eye on Sasuke.

"You both took over Itachi's ability," Danzo said

 "I told you never to speak of Itachi again!" Sasuke yelled

"Brothers with the same ability well you can say family with the same ability if you're counting the girl. Yet with both of you  your eyes perceive is so different.  The truth about Itachi isn't important to you.  You either girl," Danzo said looking up to me. With me clenching my fist.

"You both direct your hatred at whomever you both can lay your hands on. You make the sacrifice of the Uchiha Clan Meaningless," Danzo said showing his right arm with all the Sharingan on it. Me stepping forward with Madara blocking my way.

"Move out my way Madara," I said 

"Sasuke got this under control," Madara said

"This is not only about Sasuke this about me too, He has no right to tale about the Uchiha!" I said slamming my fist down using chakra destroy what we was standing on shaking the ground with Danzo losing his balance with Sasuke flying in fast to attack. Danzo stood up quickly making hand signs.

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