Chp 3

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Once Jungkook saw her beautiful skin, there is something inside of him that urges him to mark her. He lowered himself towards her neck and starts to leave kisses behind. He is just followed what his inner self told him to do. The alcohol makes it even hard for him to push the urge away as it blurred his right way of thinking. 

He can feel that his wife trembles when his lips make contact with her skin. He leaves few marks behind as he continues his act, ignoring her pleads and begs. As for Sooyeon, she keep on trying to stop him from doing things any further. She tried to push him but he doesn't even budge as her strength can't be compared to his.

She still covers herself with the pieces of her shirt that had been ripped off by Jungkook while the other hand still trying to push him away from her body. She can feel his wet kisses on her neck and collarbone. Suddenly, she feel his arms coiled around her waist and hugged her tightly while still giving her kisses. That makes her flinch as she can feel his body right on top of hers, squeezing her in his embrace. 

Sooyeon: P-please Jungkook... dont do this.. (she said in between her sobs)

Right after that, Jungkook lift his head and stares straight into her beautiful doe eyes that filled with tears. He reached his thumb towards her tear that trekking down to her cheek and wiped it. He observed her features intently while his wife continues to sob as she stares at him. 

Sooyeon: P-please... let me go.. Jungkook.. (she pleads again)

Jungkook chuckles at her words. 

Jungkook: You.. know.. that ... y-you cant escape..from me. You will be forever... stuck... with me.. (he manages to say those words, slurring in between)

Sooyeon's heart beats rapidly after his words. She meant to let her go from the position they are in, not expecting that coming from Jungkook. Guess alcohols do make the consumers say things they never meant and  unreasonable. 

All of a sudden, he drops his head back into the crook of Sooyeon's neck, making her immediately shut her eyes. When she feels no movement from her husband, only his breaths that tickles her neck, makes her think that he's already fallen asleep. She turns her head towards his face to make sure and she was right. She let out her breath that she doesn't even realize that she had been holding it. 

She tries to regulate her heartbeat with taking few deep breaths before wiping her tears on her cheeks. The thought of being taken forcefully by her husband who has the full rights on her, makes her feel sorry for herself. It should be something beautiful, intimate and romantic for every couple but for her, it was forceful, pain and mostly hatred. She knows that it will never be changed and she needs to stop hoping for changes because it would never happen. 

After regulating her breath, she tries to push her asleep husband by his shoulders, gently. She uses her strength to push him but he is more heavy than she thought he was. Also, his grip tighten when she tries to push him away and groan near her neck, as if he does not want to let her go. 

His breath that hits her neck, made her spine shivers. Without even trying, her husband makes her heart beats thumping even harder. She tries to push him again but failed once again. The position which they are in, makes it a lot harder for Sooyeon to escape. The space they have on the sofa is too small, which is just perfect for couples to cuddle, just like the position they are in. 

After attempting to push him few more, she finally gives up and just let her husband sleep on her chest. She already being tired enough for the whole day and her energy drained a lot after her tries to escape from his embrace. She adjusts her ripped off shirt to cover her nearly exposed chest before sleep consume her whole. 

Even though the living room is quite chilly, she feels warm in her husband's embrace. His warmth able to conceal the chilly air from getting her shivering badly. Even though she loves it and had been wanting to feel this again, she still thinks she had to escape first thing in the morning before he wakes up. She is cherishing this moment as much as she could which makes her memories from the past came flashing in her mind. It bring tears to her eyes. She just .. miss him so much. 

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