Chp 1

166 4 2

"Sooyeon-ah!". Jungkook yelled from his bedroom, calling his wife. Sooyeon who is busy cleaning the house, jumped a little when her name being called. "Yes" she answered softly while walking straight to her husband's bedroom.

 "Yes, Jungkook shi?" she entered the bedroom after receiving Jungkook's permission to come in. " Help me find my favorite shirt and iron it for me!" Jungkook command after turning around towards her. She just nodded and make her way to his wardrobe to find it as soon as possible.

 Once she found it, she quickly iron it neatly. " I'm going out drinking with my hyungs at the club tonight. I will be home late." Jungkook speaks while laying on his bed shirtless with his hands under his head and staring Sooyeon from the back. He started to stare his wifes' soft curled, medium-length hair fall smoothly. He brought his gaze to her work attire that show her calf from his view. She doesnt change her clothes from work, since she have to do the chores immediately and make sure the house is clean. If not, Jungkook will punish her. 

As she's ironing the shirt, she felt fingers sweeping her hair away from her neck. She jumped a little when the cold fingers making contact with her skin. She knew it was Jungkook who standing behind her. She became stiff as she felt hot breath on her skin. Jungkook breathes in his wife's  scent. Her scent always smells  sweet and addictive for Jungkook.

 Sooyeon felt something wet moving on her skin which is Jungkook's tongue. He bit her skin and suck it, leaving purple-ish marks clearly on her skin. He moved down to her shoulder and do the same thing. "J-jungkook, your hyungs are waiting for you. You should h-hurry up." she stuttered. 

Seeing her terrified about his action, made him smirked. "Your lucky today, Sooyeon-ah". Jungkook whispered near her ear, which sent shivers to Sooyeon's body. Jungkook took the shirt from her hand as she finishes ironing and wore it. Sooyeon just stare at her husband. Jungkook start to leave his bedroom, followed by Sooyeon behind him. As soon as they reached the front door, Jungkook fixed himself after wearing his shoes and went out without bid farewell to his wife. She already adjusted herself with Jungkook's cold behaviour. 


As soon as I enter the club, I searched for my hyungs in the crowd. I saw them sitting near the bar and having their good time. I quickly make my way to them. 

"Jungkook-ah~" Jimin hyung said  while waving as he sees me coming. Now all of them pay attention towards me. "I'm here hyung!" i smiled at them. "Our maknae already arrive. We missed you alot!"  said V hyung.

 "Yeah hyung, i have alot of things to do at the office." i sighed. "It is alright Jungkook-ah, tonight's gathered up let the hyungs handle it. Just enjoy as much as you can." Namjoon hyung stated while patting my shoulder. "Thank you hyung".

 Due to the loud music, they shout their lungs out throughout their conversation. I started drinking the alcohol that they had prepared. While I was enjoying the drink, Jin hyung approached me by sitting next to me. "How's Sooyeon and you?" he asked while shouting. I  just smirked and tell him it was okay. " I hope you dont go harsh on her, Jungkook-ah" he continued. I just nodded half heartedly after rolling my eyes. We continue our party after awhile.


I sat down on a stool in the kitchen while drinking my water. I just finished shower after i clean up the house. I just stare blankly and a memory flashed to my head.


The night of our wedding, we went straight to the hotel that Mr and Mrs Jeon booked for us. As soon as we checked in the room, i went straight to the bathroom to change my clothes to wear something more comfortable. After a good 10 minutes, i went out of the room and there I saw Jungkook sitting at the edge of the bed with his cold gaze towards the floor.

 Somehow it makes me scared of him. He must have been angry about this marriage since it was his parents' idea to get him married with me. I had only seen his parents a couple of time at the coffee shop where i used to work, before becoming Jungkook's PA.

 I really like them as they were the sweetest couple in the shop. I always serve them and treat them like my own parents. Eventually, they know that i'm all alone in this world. So they decided to marry their son with me. I was also shocked as it came out of nowhere. Eventually, they successfully persuaded me to marry their only son. "Do you feel happy now that i married you?" Jungkook ask with his cold tone. 

I stood there and just stare at him blankly, clearly confuse. He started walking towards me and made me to step back slowly. In which, i didn't went that far as he grab my wrist tightly making me glued on my place. We were inches apart as i can felt his hot breath fanning my face. His eyes were dark and hold a lot of emotions. 

 "I know what kind of girl you are" he looked down at me, smirking. "You are just running after my money just like those slut in the club i went to have fun with". I already break our eye contact and  stare down to the ground while keeping my tears from falling. Jungkook pulled my chin up to meet his gaze. He smirks even deeper when he saw my watery eyes. "Dont ever dream that i will act as your husband when we are alone"." You just a slut to me or should i say my .." he stopped and went near my ear while whispering "sex slave?". 

My eyes grew big when i heard that from him. I tried to escape from his grip but i failed. "You must know that you have to give me your body whenever i wanted to and you cant refuse it. If you do, i will... torture you". My tears started to slip from my eyes while Jungkook just looked at my face, emotionless and started to drag me rowards the bed. "Please.. I dont want this, Jungkook" I cried. He just ignores it while tightening his grip on my wrist. Afterwards, he pushed me harshly towards the bed.

I was scared and keep going backwards as Jungkook already on the bed until i hit the headboard. "Please Jungkook, dont do this me." i begged. He just laughed darkly and hold my jaw tightly. "I will make your life as living hell and make you regret for marrying me Sooyeon-ah" he said it on my face. I was screaming for help and begged his mercy to stop all of this. 

"P-please J-jungkook let me go. I dont want this" i cried. He just shut me up with kissing me roughly and bit my lower lip until it bleeds. My tears streamed down to my cheeks. Without me notice, he already tied me up with his belt to the headboard, tightly. I gasped for air after Jungkook stop kissing me. "Please Jungkook.... dont do this.. .". i stare at his eyes and he just ignored all of my begs and cries. "No. I know that you like it ... slut " he whispered to my ear.

That night was full of cries and pleads, begging him to stop the torture but ignored until the end. 

I continue crying silently, trying not to wake Jungkook up. He sleeps peacefully besides me on the bed while facing our back together. He was like a beast few hours ago, the opposite of him right now. I covered my mouth to stop my sobbing being too loud. The clock besides the bed shows 4 in the morning and i still cant sleep remembering what had happened few hours ago. The cold air hits my naked shoulders, made me shiver and pulled the sheets closer. I can feel my lower part being covered with dried blood and i know i will be sore the next morning. After a few minutes, i already calmed myself down and drifted to sleep with my tears still rolling down.

Hey guys! How was my first chapter?

I hope you guys like it and also this is my first ff ever.

I'm sorry if i make mistakes or it has some similarities with other ff

I had no intentions to stole ideas.


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