Chapter 16 | 'Howls & Connection' |

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Staring at the flickering fire in the common room makes me start to really miss the chatter of the demigods occupying this room. I tapped my foot thoughtfully and glanced at the time; nine-thirty p.m. People in this castle must be sleeping right now, well mostly, and I will be in big trouble if I wander around this castle. Again. However, I was not really tired and there are a lot of things that I can do until I go to sleep, and yet there was this urge in the back of my mind that's telling me to explore the castle.

I sighed in frustration and darted up the stairs and pulled my belt hanging on the headboard slat of the bed and threw it on the mattress. I stripped out of my usual cargo pants and long-sleeve, changing into my pyjamas which were olive green sweatpants, pine green long-sleeved shirt, hoodie with leaf sketches, and my signature black combat boots.

"I'm going to get in so much trouble," I muttered as I strapped my belt on my waist and grabbed my olive green (yes, I have an obsession with green, like Percy's obsessed with the colour blue, but not as much) down jacket and put it on as I exit the common room silently.

Fortunately, Sir Cadogan gave me a blind eye, winking at me as I stepped out of the portrait. I grinned in response and sly-footed my way out of the castle. I almost ran into a prefect and two teachers, but I was able to hide away in the shadows and headed out of the building.

I sighed in relief as I rested my back against a stone pillar and squinted my eyes to scan my surrounding, despite the dark. I wobbled like a baby through the ink-black atmosphere, only the faint light of the moon illuminating the ground. I halted on my steps when I heard rustles near me.

Deja vu.

There is definitely a pattern going on right here. I instantly brought out two knives from my belt and gripped them tightly, staring at the three human-shaped shadows.

"Oh, Styx."

I sneaked up to them, nobody noticing my presence as they strode their way through the grass field. I narrowed my eyes when I saw them stop in front of a willow tree. Then my eyes widened when a person's figure shifted in a rat's form.

"Holy Hera," I whispered in disbelief. Sheathing my knives, I watched as the rat dodge the attacks of branches, then suddenly the tree froze and a doorway was revealed.

 I trailed after them closely behind and entered a pathway. Soon after, we arrived in a dusty, old-looking, wooden building. I was busy inspecting the shack that I didn't concentrate enough to make a strong barrier that made the three males notice my presence.


I jumped and yelped from surprise, swirling around I unsheathed my liuyedao sword to catch the three pairs of eyes looking at me incredulously. I gaped at them blankly and tried to find words to describe my situation, slowly sheathing my sword back to a ring.

The only thing I can manage to stutter at was an unintelligent, "Uh..."

I cleared my throat and composed myself with a sheepish expression.

"What are you doing here, Long? I'm starting to think if you're following us," James crossed his arms with a mistrustful look. 

I raised a finger at them and glanced at James, my brows together.

"First of all, I am not following you guys. I just took a walk because I couldn't sleep, which frequently happens, and I happened to just spot you in the dark and I got curious like I usually am and trailed after you."

"So you were stalking us," Sirius retorted. 

I glared at him and let out an annoyed breath.

"No, I was not! You know what? Forget it. I'm just going back to the common room," I exclaimed, turning on my heels and tried to leave. However, the three of them blocked the way to the path and stared down at me. I furred my eyebrows and tried to get through them but was stopped by Sirius and James, who grabbed my arms and Sirius covering my mouth.

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