hello, camp moosehead! part one.

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"You're gonna get married?!" I exclaimed to my mom sitting at the kitchen table.

"Yes! Isn't it something? I'm so happy!" My mom exclaimed, drinking her berry smoothie.

"I-I-I'm happy! So happy! I love Ginny, but don't you think you're rushing this a little bit? I mean, you made me skip Camp Moosehead to go dress shopping." I pointed out.

"Well, we're getting married in December..." She whispered.

"The...third of December?" I asked.

My mom nodded, having a cheeky smile on her face.

"Really?! After your favorite song?" I laughed.

"Heather is an exclusive song that I love, Bubbles! It's sad, but it's..."

"Sad." I confirmed.

My mom nodded.

I sighed.

"I seriously don't care that you're getting married." I started.

"You don't care?" My mom asked.

"NO! No, no, no, no! I really care about the wedding and that you're gonna be wives and stuff, a-a-and I don't mind! But, you're getting into this super fast!" I defended.

"Maybe...but I don't...LIKE weddings. Planning them is stressful, and Ginny and I just wanna get married." My mom explained.

"Then go to a courthouse right now!" I laughed.

My mom thought for a second.

"NOT ACTUALLY! I'm joking! I wanna see this wedding." I interrupted.

"Okay, cool." She sighed.

"So, we're going dress shopping?" I asked.

"I'm not! Oh no." My mom laughed.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"We're going bridesmaid shopping." She whispered, putting my hair behind my ear.

My eyes widened.

"I'm gonna be a bridesmaid?"

She laughed and nodded.

"Yes! You are! Also, there's gonna be absolutely no groomsmen! Because, you know, kill all men." My mom whispered.

"Not all men, mom!"

She laughed.

"Louise is gonna be our flower girl, and we already got her dress, your cousin Amaya is gonna be next to you, and Ginny's three nieces are gonna be the other two bridesmaids and ring...bear."

"You mean bearer?" I corrected.

"No. She calls it ring bear." My mom laughed.

I laughed with her, and became excited about this super, quick wedding happening.


bubbles/sam thomasNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ