the truth about stacey.

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"That was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen!" I scoffed after watching The Babysitters Agency's ad.

"Tell me about it." Kristy added.

"Those girls are definitely in high school." Claudia pointed out, "why don't they loiter at the mall like normal teenagers?"

"I'm a teenager. This is just depressing!" I exclaimed.

"No ones gonna wanna hire them instead of us, right?" Mary Ann asked nervously.

Kristy had a worried look on her face.

"Stacey?" Mary Ann asked.

Stacey gave her a frown, "N-No! Definitely not."

"Oh god." I panicked.

"Madam Secretary, will you please read our upcoming jobs?" Kristy asked Mary Ann.

"Stacey is sitting for Charlotte Johanssen Thursday, Bubbles is FINALLY getting to babysit little Holly next week, Claudia is with the three youngest Pikes, I'm with the Marshalls Saturday and Sunday, plus the Newton's new baby is on its way any minute!" Mary Ann cheered.

I clapped my hands.

"More children!"

Everyone started smiling and letting out responses.

"Ahem." Kristy cleared her throat, grabbing our attention.

"Kim said last month she's really gonna rely on the club to watch Jamie in the early days." Mary Ann mentioned.

"So, then we're thriving! The Babysitters Agency doesn't stand a chance. It's just proof of our success! They're trying to get a piece of our action, so we need to differentiate ourselves from the competition." Kristy explained.

I could practically see the gears turning in her head.

Her eyes got wide and she stood up.

"Kid kits."

No one responded.

"'Oh Kristy, what's a kid kit?' We'll I'm so glad you asked!" Kristy pulled out a box from Claudia's desk, "Mary Ann, why do I love going over to your house so much?"

"Because it doesn't smell like teenage boy?" She asked.

"I like that scent." I smiled.

Stacey got my shoulder playfully.

"Fair, but no. Because your dad has every board game known to man. And Stacey..."

Kristy stopped putting things in the box.

"Well, I haven't actually been to your house before. But Bubbles! Why do I love your house so much?" Kristy asked me.

"I dunno. Maybe cause it's really...white?" I responded.

"No. It's because I love the amount of things there is to do in there. You could get lost for ages in that house."

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