mary anne saves the day.

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I sat at a babysitters club meeting, drawing on my new roller stakes.

"You know, you should make the daisy bigger." Claudia whispered over my shoulder.

I let out a little 'oh.' And nodded, making it bigger.

They were completely white. They looked so boring. I decided to paint and draw some things on there.

I've always been good at skating, I just didn't get the time to do it.

The phone rang.

Stacey grabbed it.

"Hello, Babysitters Club!" She greeted.

I colored the inside of the daisy.

"You should make a corgi." Claudia whispered.

"Ohh! I should!" I whispered cheerfully back.

"She wants to talk to you, Mary Ann!" Stacey told the curly haired girl.

(Okay I just realized that the Ann in Mary Ann is actually Anne. Sorry.)

Mary Ann hesitantly grabbed the phone.


"You know what would look good on that?" Stacey asked.

"What?" Claudia and I asked together.

"A heart with S+L in it." She smirked.

I threw a dry paintbrush at her while Claudia giggled senseless.

"I-I don't-" Mary Ann stuttered on the phone.

I looked up at her with worried eyes.

"No. I-I mean yes! I'm free."

I placed the roller stakes on the ground and I went over to her.

"Take a deep breath." I whispered gently to her, as I grabbed her hand to draw a flower in the palm.

"I think." She continued talking into the phone.

'What are you doing?' Kristy mouthed to her.

"But the thing is, I belong to a club of babysitters. So I'd have to check in any of them-"

Mary Ann stopped talking.

"What's your address?" She finally asked.

Oh no.

I let go of her hand gently.

'Wow.' Kristy mouthed.

I stood up and went to sit by Claudia again.

"Thank you." Mary Ann finished, and hung up the phone.

She looked over at us.

"I shouldn't of done that." She told us.

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