claudia and the new girl.

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"PASS THE M&MS." leah said, as jessi tossed them over to her at the first official BSC sleepover.

"so, we have two new members, and we need to integrate them properly according to our individual weaknesses and strengths to harness our corporate synergy." kristy explained.

"another corporation, just what america needs." dawn said sarcastically.

"they need a lot more than that." leah said, stuffing a couple m&ms into her mouth afterwards.

"these personality tests will help maximize our growth potential by helping us understand what we can each bring to the table. watson uses them in his company. he's 'the cheerleader.'" kristy explained.

"'do you pay quarterly taxes or prefer to leave finalized numbers until the end of the fiscal year?' should the club be paying taxes? do i need to look into this?" mary anne panicked.

"not if we're a corporation! we could hoard our profits until we're bailed out by the disappearing middle class." dawn explained, making leah scrunch up her nose. dawn had changed over the summer, and leah didn't like it. leah hated to say it, but she found her more...annoying now.

"think about it this way. do you finish your homework right away or wait till the last minute?" kristy asked.

"right away." stacey scoffed.

"on the ride over to school." leah answered.

"done!" jessi announced, dropping her pen, "i know myself."

jessi and dawn handed over their papers, while mallory sat confused.

"i don't know how to answer any of these questions. i mean, would i tell a harmless lie if i'd help land a client? would i return a stapler if i accidentally took it home?" mallory panicked.

"mallory, just be yourself." clauida told her.

"that's easy to say when you're you." mallory said.

"done." stacey said proudly, handing kristy the paper.

"i need water, does anyone want anything?" stacey asked.

"i'll have a water too," leah said, looking up from her papers. stacey nodded, "thanks hon."

kristy started scanning through the papers.

"hm. interesting." she muttered, scribbling some words down, "ahh...i see."

"what do you see?! what is it?! tell us! shouldn't we wait for bubble to be done before you do this?!" mary anne bursted.

"OMG! clauida! did you know you have a celebrity in your kitchen?" stacey screeched.

"what? who?" clauida asked.

"ashley wyeth! only the coolest girl in all of stoneybrook high."

"no way! doesnt she have like...five million followers?" jessi asked.

"five million on insta and a snap score over 500,000." leah said.

"uh-huh! and designers send her free clothes to wear." stacey said.

"and her speech at the new haven march for our lives went viral." dawn added.

"what's she doing at your house?" mary anne asked.

"whos ashley wyeth?" kristy asked.

"i'm gonna go see." clauida said, standing up and leaving the room.

"leah...what question are you stuck on?" kristy asked.

"the last one! it's so random! did watson really have to fill this out?" leah asked.

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