mary anne and the great romance.

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"HELLO, MISS WISH!" a doctor announced, coming into leah's room where she was laying on her side, "my names doctor jay, i'll be helping you with your time here! how are we doing today."

"your breakfast sucks. who eats ham for breakfast? is this britan?" leah spat, turning towards the doctor, still on her side.

"did you eat it?" dr.jay asked.

"heck no! ham is one of my fear foods!" leah said, turning back onto her side in defeat.

"great to know..." she trailed off, scribbling down some words on her clipboard, "now! how about we sit up and go take a shower!" dr.jay smiled with a motivating smirk, "we have all these great smelling shampoos for you, and your mom brought over some of your favorite soap!"


"it's called coping, leah." dr.jay said, just wanting to help the girl.

leah turned over, looking at the doctor, "okay...nancy. i'm gonna call you nancy-"

"that's not my name-"

"shh. i've been through this all before. i dunno how the system has changed, but they didn't make me shower. the mirrors made me feel uncomfortable. i feel fine anyways. now if you could please leave so i can keep watching all these free movies, that would be great."

"oh. we know how showers make you feel, so we took ever mirror out of this room." dr.jay said, opening the door to the bathroom, "and if it makes you feel more comfortable, we can have someone wait outside of the bathroom if that makes you feel safer."

leah didn't know how she felt. it was uncomfortable in a nice way. it was like sitting on an animal fur.

awkwardly getting up out of her bed, she walked towards the bathroom, pulling the IV stand with her as she did.

she then turned to her doctor, "you're not sending me away?"

"no?" dr.jay said.

"oh," leah smiled, "cool."


AFTER TAKING A SHOWER, leah felt a thousand times better. her greasy and still a bit frosting-filled hair was now damp, but it felt so much better. she felt cleaner and more proud of herself for doing something other than sleeping and watching movies in the last 24 hours.

a knock on her door was placed, "how we feelin? good?" dr.jay asked, a happy smile placed on her face.

"i hate to admit it, but really good." leah smiled.

"and you'll keep feeling like that everyday until you bust out of this place! now, here's a schedule!" dr.jay said, handing her a colorful schedule, "it's full of activities you can do, therapy sessions that are mandatory, and mealtimes."

"so, let's just say, ballpark, when will i be getting outta here?" leah asked.

"that's a good question! at the least, you'll be getting out in 2 weeks. at most, about 4 months."

"four months?!" leah cried, "i cant miss 4 months of school! or babysitting! or sam!"

"looking at you right now, you just took a shower. that's more that like...90% in this hospital. so i'm predicting that you'll be out in no time."

"before valentine's day?" leah asked.

"possibly...plans then?" dr.jay asked.

"my boyfriend was talking about taking me out to this very fancy restaurant. but now that won't happen!" leah mourned.

"well, leah, you can't eat. and i think that's a bit more important than a fancy lil date, ok? i'm sorry." dr.jay explained.

"no, it's fine. i'm just going through it all. still trying to accept the fact like, wow! i actually crossed the line! im in the hospital! haha!" leah laughed.

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