Wrong Theory dumb-dumb

Start from the beginning


Peter tried to use his super hearing, but all he heard was Loki humming 'she's a maniac' somewhere far off.


"I have detected an identity alert on 'creepy grandma"


According to the IA (Identity Alert) the grandma was one floor above him.


Maybe Karen's system was just jammed.


" My scanners are blocked, but my other programs are still functioning" Karen said like she read his mind.


This gave Peter an idea.


"Can you put IA's on anyone within a 10 meter radius of the target."


" Identity alerts created." Karens voice sounded optimistic.


The map loaded and Peter could see 7 targets moving around in tech storage.


So they were here to steal Stark Industries work in progress? That wasn't good but he was glad they hadn't found the Avengers weapon tech yet. Stark tech is dangerous enough but Avengers tech was catastrophic, dramaticly put.


"Guys I have a location on our group. I'm sending it to you now. How is it going with the coms Loki?"


Peter crawled up the staircase. Which was kinda weird upside down because it seemed like he crawled down but instead he actually crawled up.


" Almost there, this wing has a lot of rooms ."


"Yeah there's a lot of storage on these floors. Which I'm pretty sure our group is after. Ned, MJ how is it going with Friday?"


" I wish I could give you good news Pete, but whoever did this, did something beyond hacking and to be honest I want to have their babies ."


" Ned!" Mj replied.


" What? You can see her coding too right?"


"Ignore him. It will take us longer then expected but we'll figure it out."


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