Chapter 18: You will resurrect your foe

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Our feet slammed down on a cold floor. Harry had, due to his injured leg, fallen to the floor. Cedric and I helped him up. I looked at my surroundings. We were standing on a graveyard. We seemed to be far away from the Scotland Highlands, because the landscape was as good as flat with the exception of a hill with a single house on it. Mansion was more like it.

"Did someone tell you the cup was a Portkey," asked Cedric. I shook my head, but realized that Cedric probably hadn't seen it in the darkness.

"Nope," said Harry.

"Where are we? Is this still the task?" I asked the boys.

"I dunno," said Cedric. "Wands out, d'you reckon?"

"Shit!" I yelled. The top of my wand was hanging down. It had snapped. You could see the unicorn hair through the hawthorne splinters. I put it in my pocket, but I knew there was no use. It was too damaged.

I carefully the headstones to find a shiny white one. It had a name I vaguely recognized.

"Hey, Harry. What did you say You-Know-Who's name was again?" I asked. I didn't get an answer.

"Someone's coming," he warned instead. A hooded figure neared us. It seemed to be holding either a baby or a bundle of robes. It stopped right in front of us, a little too close for comfort. All of a sudden, Harry sank to the floor clutching the scar on his forehead. I dropped to my knees in any attempt to help him, even though I had no idea what to do. I touched his head hoping it would somehow help him. My sight was gone and instead I saw a man emerging from a gigantic cauldron and Harry screaming in agony. I opened my eyes knowing that what I just saw was the future. "We need to go, Cedric! Now!"

Before Cedric could respond, a cold voice spoke. "Kill the spare," it said. Before any of us could react, another voice, screeched the words "Avada Kedavra," and when the green flash hit him, the boy standing on my right fell down to the floor. I looked away from Harry to see Cedric lying, eyes still opened on the ground. I screamed and tears started to stream down my face. I let go of Harry and ran over to the other boy, hoping that he could somehow be saved. Cedric's lifeless eyes stared at me and I couldn't bear to look at him anymore.

My gaze went over to Harry, but he was now being dragged to the white tombstone that I was inspecting before. It said TOM RIDDLE. The cloaked wizards conjured ropes which bound themselves tightly around Harry and the white marble slab. Harry attempted to get free, but was slapped in the face instead. Harry gasped, but I couldn't hear what he said.

Slowly, trying not to be noticed, I fumbled around in the dark for Harry's wand. I finally found it and decided that it was better than mine. My hand trembling out of fear and due to the cold, I tried to aim at the attacker.

"E-expeliarmus," I said, but the wand really didn't work with me. Instead, it caught the figure's attention. He cast the same spell on me and Harry's wand flew his way. He put it in the pocket of his robe. The figure charged me, but I couldn't move. I was rooted to my spot in fear. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and bound me to the other side of the headstone so that Harry and I were tied back to back. He stuffed some black material in my mouth as he had done with Harry. Tears were still running down my face and had clouded my vision. I wasn't sobbing, because I was scared that every sound I made could get me killed. Through my blurred vision, I saw a snake circling the grave stone to which Harry and I were tied.

I tried to stop myself from crying. I still had no idea what was going on and not being able to see made finding it out much harder. The only sound was the slithering of the snakes, the screeching of the crows and another sound I couldn't quite make out. I felt something touch my hand and screamed, but because my mouth was stuffed with fabric, no sound came out. A hand intertwined with mine. Harry's. I relaxed a bit.

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