Chapter 10: I boogie down like a unicorn

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The Yule Ball was on Christmas day. Most of the attendees were stressing about everything and were nervous wrecks. I on the other hand had had a very busy Christmas eve sending out last minute presents. Hoot had had a hard time delivering so many packages in so little time, so I gave him a break and borrowed some of Hogwarts' owls.

Somehow news that I wouldn't be going with Draco to the Yule Ball had leaked to my parents. Come to think of it, it was pretty naive of me to think that it wouldn't. They were, to say it lightly, not thrilled. Especially because I was going with Harry instead. They called him a bad influence. Whatever. I wrote to them saying that as I was getting older I was allowed to make my own choices such as who I choose to go out with. I imagine that it wasn't the answer they wanted, but seeing as I have not received a Howler yet, they understand.

Meanwhile, after many failed attempts, Hermione still wouldn't tell me who she was going with. She did tell me it was the guy she had told me about before, but she wouldn't say his name.

"Do I know him?" I asked.


"Is he in our year?"

"No" she answered. I gasped.

"Is he older?"

"I'm not saying!"

"He is! What's his name?"

"You'll see tonight," she said and went to sit at the Gryffindor table. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the other Ravenclaws.

"Heard you're going with Diggory," said Roger Davies to Cho Chang.

"Heard you're going with Fleur Delacour," I said to Roger. "Impressive"

"And you and Potter! You two girls are not fraternizing with the enemy seekers too much are you?"

"Oh shut up," I told my Quidditch captain. "The world doesn't revolve about Quidditch," I told him. Cho giggled. He huffed.

After lunch I walked up to the Ravenclaw tower to relax before getting ready for the party. I jumped onto my bed and grabbed my miniature dragon from my nightstand. I had named her Dede for no particular reason. The dragon walked around on the palm of my hand and I looked at it as it nestled itself and fell asleep. I was about to close my eyes for a bit when the rest of the Ravenclaw girls in my year walked in.

"Is she sleeping?" Mandy asked Padma.

"No, she's awake," said Luna, who wasn't in our year, but seemed to always hang around our dorm. She then mentioned something about Nargles or something.

"Yeah, I'm just a little bit tired," I told the rest. I put Dede down on my nightstand and got up out of bed. I walked to a box which held my dress. I had to parkour around some presents I had gotten.

My parents had given me a very early edition of Newt Scamander's Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them, Jannet had gotten me a lot of Hershey Cookies n Cream bars which I was so thankful for. Harry gave me a box full of Honeydukes sweets with a note saying that this way I didn't have to steal any. Hermione gave me a compact encyclopedia to help me understand No-Majs better. Ron gave me a little Sweetwater All-Stars key chain. They were my favorite Quidditch team in the Americas. Mrs Weasley had sent me a knitted sweater which I thought was incredibly sweet. It was a dark tone of pink and it looked gorgeous. Fred and George had gifted me my own Crystal ball which I immediately tried out this morning. Didn't see much though. Lastly Hagrid gave me some fudge which was very hard to eat.

I took my dress from the box and looked at it for a while. I had a weird aching feeling in my stomach and I felt really uneasy. I decided to get some fresh air while I still could.

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