Chapter 7: I'll help you protect yourself

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Days flew by and before I knew it, I only had a week left. I had read about every book on Dragons but none of them were useful. Most of them were on raising Dragons and not defeating them.

Harry had come up with an idea on how to defeat his dragon, but we had decided not to share. He did tell me that he had told Cedric about the dragons, which I thought was fair. He also invited me to help him practice the summoning charm Accio, which he was going to use. He didn't tell me what for, but I didn't ask. Hermione was also there to assist us.

After a few sessions, I could successfully perform the charm, while Harry was still struggling.

"You have to envision the object to want to summon," I told Harry one afternoon. Hermione wasn't there, because she had homework to do. He groaned in frustration. "I know," he responded. "Accio," he said, but it didn't work. He grew more frustrated. Cute when mad. Check.

"Okay this isn't working," I said. And Harry nodded. "The rest of the students are leaving for Hogsmeade in a few minutes," I informed him. "Let's go there and think about something else and when we get back we'll continue practicing."

"Okay, let me grab my cloak," said Harry.

"Cape," I teased.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," he said jokingly.

We left the classroom and walked towards the Gryffindor tower. I waited outside the portrait until Harry came back. While I was waiting I saw Ron.

"Hey," I said, but he ignored me. I got agitated. "You don't have to be an ass," I told him. He looked back at me sighed and walked on. I sighed as well.

Soon enough, Harry came back carrying the Invisibility Cloak and a backpack. He saw the sad look on my face. "Did you see Ron?" He asked and I nodded.

"Sucks," I said.

"Yeah." We checked to see if there were any people around before we put on the Cloak. Together we made the trip to Hogsmeade.

Along the way we joked and talked. He told me about the time he set a snake on his cousin and I told him about the time I walked on water when I was still back in the US. I was feeling more and more comfortable around Harry and I thought he felt the same.

When we reached Hogsmeade, Harry led me towards the Shrieking Shack.

"You don't really want to go in there do you?" I asked him, sort of scared.

"Relax," he said. "I've been in there. It's not that scary."

"Says you. You were born brave."

"If something happens, I'll protect you." Promised Harry. Cue in the butterflies.

"I don't need protection. I'm a strong independent woman." I said flexing my biceps.

"I know," chuckled Harry. "I'll help you protect yourself. Better?"

"Perfect," I answered, smiled broadly and we walked towards the creepy house. Harry laughed at me when I pulled my wand out, but you can never be too sure. Once we were in inside, Harry pulled the Cloak off and emptied his backpack. In it were two bottles of pumpkin juice and a lot of sweets; chocolate frogs, Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Beans, licorice wands, pumpkin pasties and more. I looked at him in awe and he just laughed. My heart was beating kinda fast now.

"I couldn't let you starve," he said.

"You are so sweet!" I yelled cheerfully.


"I was talking to the frogs"

"Of course you were"

I ran up to Harry and gave him the biggest hug ever and then sat down to start eating the candies. I was reaching for a chocolate frog, when a thought popped into my hand. I saw Harry reach for a pumpkin pasty, but I grabbed it and held it out of his reach.

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