Chapter 3: Fateful Introduction

Start from the beginning

So they did use magic here. No wonder that man had gotten Eevee that way. "My name is Elena. I'm actually a trainer. Pokémon trainer to be exact. What's a mage?"

"Someone who uses magic by their own hands. So you don't do that?" The lady looked a little disappointed.

I shook my head. "No, only my Pokémon do. I guess you could say that I'm their master, though. But I consider them family." I looked down at Eevee, and she grinned as I pet her head.

"Hmm..." The lady said. "You know," I looked at her again. "I think I have a place for you to stay for awhile. Are you planning on being here for long?"

I looked around the town, seeing people staring. My eyes stopped on the big building with the pheonix picture. "Actually, I wanted to know what that building was all about. It has a really pretty picture on it."

"You mean Fairy Tail?" I nodded. She smiled. "Well, it just so happens that that is where I want to take you." She held out her hand.

I gladly took it, and she pulled me up. "What's your name?" I asked, Eevee on my shoulder.

"Mirajane, but you can call me Mira. I'm one of the mages in Fairy Tail."


"Hey, Mira. What exactly is Fairy Tail?" I asked, Eevee trailing behind me to keep her feet moving.

"It's a magic guild. Mages that live here in Magnolia come to join our guild all the time. You'll see all kinds of different magic users there. And the best part is, we all treat each other like family, and have fun every day." She smiled happily as she said this. "But there are a couple of downsides, too. Our guild can get a little hectic sometimes."

"What do you mean?" I asked in wonder.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll find out. Don't worry about that." We were halfway to the guild, and people kept on staring at Eevee. I could tell that there weren't very many creatures that looked like her in this world. Some people even whispered to each other about her, but others squealed when they saw how cute she was.

I then remembered about the rest of my team. How will everyone at the guild react to them? Surely they wouldn't just shrug it off and go back to what they were doing. I suddenly felt very nervous for what I was getting myself into, and stopped in my tracks. Eevee noticed that I was shaking, and came up to me in worry.

Mira noticed, too. "What's wrong?"

"What if they...hurt them?"

She tilted her head. "Hurt who?"

"My Pokémon! I don't want to cause a ruckus because of them being so different..." I took a step backwards, seeing that the guild hall was only 100 feet away.

"Elena, trust me. You're not going to need to worry about that. You'll see just how friendly and caring Fairy Tail is." I relaxed at her words. I assumed that she was right, remembering how kind she was when she first met me.


"Of course." she smiled again. "If anything, they'll welcome you with open arms!"

I blinked, and took another glance at the door to the guild hall. It took me a minute before relaxing my posture. "Okay," I decided. "I trust you, Mira. But if anything happens, we'll be leaving just as fast as we came."

"I understand," she said. "Come on."

We stepped through the huge doors, and all at once, everything came to me in a complete shock. Everyone that I could see was having fun in their own way. A few people were sitting at a long counter drinking glasses of alcohol, and others were just chatting at different tables in the middle of the room. But what really caught my eye was a fight going on between two boys about my age. One of them had pink spikey hair while the other had black hair and his shirt off. I blushed at his half-nakedness.

"Mira, who are they?" I asked the pretty mage.

"Oh, them?" Mira asked. "That's Natsu and Gray. They're always a handful in their fighting, but there's always Erza to take care of them."

A tall woman with scarlett-red hair and armor on her chest came stomping up to the boys. The pink-haired boy, Natsu, punched a table with his bare fist when he missed Gray, breaking the entire thing in half. She took both of them and knocked their heads together, both of them passing out instantly. I let out a small laugh. "Is it always this crazy?"

"Unfortunately," Mira said. "But, that's what makes Fairy Tail so unique. We all treat each other like family."

That last statement confused me a bit, because what I saw from Erza told me otherwise. But I smiled, thinking about how I thought of my family.

"Mira?" An unfamiliar voice came up to us, and I froze.

A girl with blonde hair in pigtails and chocolate brown eyes walked up to us. Her outfit consisted of blue and white, with a short skirt and whip held at her waist. A small brown pouch next to it matched her cute boots. I thought her whole outfit was super cute.

"Hi, Lucy!" Mira greeted.

"...Who is this?" Lucy asked, eyeing Eevee.

"This is Elena. She's not from here." Mira kept her smile as she explained, but I didn't move a muscle.

"Yeah, I can see that. What is that?" She stared at Eevee, and it wasn't until she revealed herself a little more from my hair that Lucy smiled. "It's so cute!"

I started breathing again. "Really?"

"Yeah! It looks like a white fox without a snout!"

I smiled, relaxing my posture again. "Actually, her name's Eevee. She's a Pokémon."

"I've never heard of that." She crossed her arms in confusion. "Is it a type of monster or something?"

"Sort of," I explained. "It's short for Pocket Monster. I have more of them in my bag here." I pointed to the bag I carried on my shoulder.

"Really? Can I see them?" I nodded, and pulled Sylveon's pokéball out of the bag, enlarging it with the middle button. She gasped at first, but brought back her curiosity. She turned to call out to someone. "Hey, Natsu! Come see this!"

I looked myself to find the pink-haired boy turn his head and walk towards us. "What's up, Luce?" He then saw me. "Who are you?"

I smiled. "My name's Elena. It's nice to meet you."

He nodded, then Lucy butted him in the chest with her elbow. He barely even flinched. "Look what's on her shoulder! And what she's holding in her hand!"

He noticed what he was looking at, and widened his eyes in surprise. "Hey, that thing reminds me of Happy! Is it an exceed?"

"No, you dope!" Lucy jabbed him again, this time making him grunt. "It's called a Pokémon. And she says she has more of them!"

"What?" He looked around my figure, trying to find more creatures that look like Eevee. "I don't see anymore."

"That's because they're in these," I pointed out, raising the ball higher so he could notice. "Well, only one is in here."

"What is that?" Gray then came up to join the conversation.

I could feel Mira smiling next to me at how popular I was becoming. "It's a pokéball. It's what houses the rest of my Pokémon until I need them to help me." I got much more comfortable as I answered everyone's questions.

"Hey, that's kind of like what you're magic's like Lucy! Only that they are in a different world instead." A girl with blue hair and a small body stepped up next.

"I guess you're right, Levy." She smiled at her.

"So, what exactly does a--what was it called?--Pokémon? What does it do?" Erza asked this time with a serious look and her arms crossed.

I grinned. "You guys really want to see?"

"YEAH!!" They all screamed, Natsu being the loudest.

I laughed, knowing that this place was going to be my way out of my title as champion back home for awhile.

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