Fluff/ Luck x Reader - A Failed Game Night

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Word Count: 1239


"Ehh!? How'd you beat me? You were almost about to die..." Y/N groaned, clenching onto her controller hard, not facing her crazy boyfriend. Luck did nothing but give his girlfriend a loud laugh of happiness.

"Maybe you just suck at the game... that's probably it." Luck smiled, his girlfriend wanting to rip his guts out because of what he just said.

"Pfft. How do I suck when I was the one who introduced you to this game? You were over here playing Animal Crossing and Tekken 7 for God knows how long while I was playing Mortal Kombat 11, I've been playing this game longer than you have. I'm just a bit tired of the college work. That's all." Y/N sighed, picking a new character to play against.

"Or maybe... you just aren't good at the game..." Luck said, laughing at the h/c haired girl.

"Or maybe I'll fucking rip your guts next round with Jade if you won't leave me alone." Y/N threatened, tapping on the controller.

"Okay! I'm with that but it's not like you're going to beat me anyways, I got a flawless victory last round by the way." Luck teased his girlfriend, giving her a kiss on the cheek before ruffling her hair, making her flustered.

"Damn you and your adorable little self." She groaned, covering her face.

"I love you too."

Luck and Y/N are college students with a lot of free time on their hands since they quickly do everything together. They started dating around freshman year as they are now in junior year of college. Throughout the three years, they've been helping each other out with work, homework, classes and other things. Just like what college students do. But, winter break is near and their classes haven't been giving them much to do besides studying for exams, they've been slacking off a bit by playing fighting games and other competitive games that both Luck and Y/N have interest in.

Now here they are, skipping another night of studying, only 4 days before their winter college exams start right before break starts as well.

The young couple were both criss-crossed on the carpeted floor in Luck's room, with the TV in front of their eyes, both of them deciding which character to pick. Luck's dorm room was literally right across from Y/N's so if they wanted to do anything fun or intercourse related, all they had to do was walk right across the hallway.

"Hmm... Y/N who are you picking?" Luck questioned his girlfriend, he waited for an answer while moving a button on his controller to preselect a character. When he got no response, he turned his head to his left to see Y/N dozing off, like she was in and out of sleep. Her eyes looked heaving and her face looked depressed with heavy bags under her eyes.

"Sweetheart, Are you okay? Do you want to go to sleep? Because we can stop the-"

"Huh?" She snapped out of her dozing self, looking at her boyfriend with wide eyes as Luck gave her a confused look. "What did you say?"

"I was asking if you wanted to go to sleep because you looked very sleepy. Should we stop?" He asked her again, pinching her puffed cheeks.

"No, we can go on for as long as you want." Y/N smiled at Luck, rubbing her eyes as she picked up the controller again. "I'll pick Sindel this time."

"Sindel? Why her? You don't want to hear all her screaming while you're really sleepy, that could give you a headache if you ask me." Luck gave Y/N an innocent smile as he was still choosing a character to fight against Y/N.

"No it's alright, I'm using a different fighting tournament variation that lets us not her scream most of the time. Who are you picking this time?" Y/N yawned, rolling her head.

"Maybe...hmm... let's see... Kano? Nah." The blue-eyed boy muttered to himself, still choosing a character, his girlfriend on the other hand was beginning to doze in and out of sleep more than before, her eyes kept on fighting the urge to fall asleep right on the spot but she didn't want to. Y/N wanted to play some games with her boyfriend before the winter exams start since they really don't have much time together, playing games with Luck was the best that could happen to her while stuck on campus during a winter storm. There was always something about Luck and his competitiveness that made her excited while playing fighting games. But today, things were different since these exams were coming up and Y/N's been trying her best to study before they start and having a game night with her boyfriend only 4 days before they start is probably not a good idea. That explains why she's falling in and out of sleep at the moment while trying to spend a fun night with her boyfriend.

"Hmm... What about Jacqui? No... her combos are too rough for Sindel... Kitana? No, she's too confusing... Kabal? Eh... Maybe?" Luck was still muttering to himself as he was still trying to pick a character to play, he was so engaged in choosing someone that he didn't even hear his girlfriend, fast asleep snoring with her head hanging low.

"Zzz...Ehhh...Zzz...Ehh..." the h/c-haired woman snored, one hand about to drop the controller. Her neck looked like it was in such an uncomfortable position that if she stayed like that for another minute or so, she would have some serious neck problems.

Luck finally turned to the side to check up on his sleeping girlfriend. He then sighed in happiness because he knew that this would've happened eventually. Luck then uses his controller to turn the game off, then he uses the remote to turn the TV off completely. He picked his sleeping girlfriend up in bridal style and placed her on his bed, right before joining her and tucking the covers over their body.

"Ahh... Y/N-chan, you are so sweet... you knew you were tired from studying for the exam but you still sacrificed your time to play video games with me..." Luck chuckled, moving his girlfriend so that he could hold her in his arms. "I love you. I really do." The blond-haired boy whispered into his girlfriend's ear while sneaking his hand to touch her bare skin which was under her clothing to give her a nice little rub.

"I... luv... you.. Too..." Y/N quietly slurred as a response to her boyfriend. "Thank... ye... for being meh... boyfriend..." She sleepily continued, her head into her boyfriend's neck, as her arms were wrapped around him. Y/N savored every moment, squeezing Luck as hard as she could with the little amount of strength she had left for the perfect position.

"Aww... You are so adorable I could literally eat you right now..." Luck laughed, ruffling Y/N's hair. It's been a long time since these two have been in such a comfy position, they were so busy doing other things that they forgot how comfy it was to be in each other's arms, regardless if one of them was sleeping or sleepy.

"Then eat me."

"Okay! Your wish is my command!" Luck flipped his girlfriend over, his mouth already devouring her neck.

"Wait wha-"

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