Asta x Reader- Get Better Soon

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A/N- Did this using an OTP Generator. Ran out of ideas.


Word Count- 1113


"Achoo!" I heard the green-eyed boy next to me sneeze. We were on our way back to the base after a mission from a very cold common realm. It was just Asta and I this time since it wasn't a major thing, I had noticed when we had finished our mission, Asta had started sneezing and wheezing. I had ignored it because I just thought it would be something that would happen when you would go to cold areas and the symptoms would stick to you around those cold areas like that but this one is different, Asta has gotten worse from what it looks like.

"Bless you, Asta." I said as I passed him a tissue from my robe pocket. "Are you okay? You've been looking kind of ill since we left." I asked the boy next to me who was wiping his nose.

"I'm nose just feels a bit runny. That's- achoo!" He sneezes, a big glob of snot came out of Asta's nose, making me cringe in disgust. I bring out more tissues, enough of them to make sure that Asta can clean up his face properly. "Now my throat is all itchy... great..." The green-eyed boy continued in a scratchy tone. It was a good thing that we were already near the base, near enough that it was walking distance. We were already walking there so it wouldn't be long before I would check on Asta with some good care.

I walked up to the boisterous boy, putting my right hand on his forehead, making him blush a bit. I ignored and stared at him for a good moment, getting a good look at his slightly red cheeks and flushed face.

"Your head is a bit hot. When we get inside the base, go immediately to your room, I can't have you overworking yourself when you're sick, okay?" I told Asta, he did nothing but groaned at my response.

"But can I please... pretty please train for a bit?" Asta asked me while he pouted with the most adorable face I've ever seen, it made me get rid of my silent but strict personality I've always had but I won't let him take advantage of it.

"No." I said, continuing to walk to the base that was now right in front of us, Asta stood there with a sad look on his face, looking down. I admire his determination but I cannot allow him to train when his immune system is trying to fight for his health. He needs to recover.

"Come on, Asta." I said as I turned around, waiting for him. The 5'1 boy was trying to be smart and took his sweet old time trying to walk as slowly as he could with his nose running and the same sad look on his face. Wasting no time, I walked quickly towards him and harshly grabbed his hand, making him yelp in surprise, dragging him towards the Black Bulls base.

"Not fair..." I heard him pout.

"I'm not arguing with you, little boy." I nonchalantly retorted.

"Little!? Aren't you 4'11?" Asta snapped back. I stopped walking and gave him an annoyed glare, making him flinch a bit, also sweating.

"And aren't you 2 years younger than me and still a dumbass?" I asked him, dragging him towards the base again.

"Hey! That's not nice!"

"Your bed will be when you shut the hell up."


I had finally dragged Asta into his bedroom, making sure he changed his clothes and got all comfortable in his clothes. He was currently watching me reach for the cabinet in his room for the medicine. Because of my short height, it was mostly a struggle and pain for my petite arms to reach it. Luckily, there was a little stool in his room that could help me reach up higher, I went to grab it so I could reach the liquid medicine.

"Do you need help?" I heard Asta ask me from his bed.

"Nah. I got it." I said as I finally had the medicine in my hand. It was an off-brand liquid medicine that was cherry flavor, it's purpose was to help with cold and flu. I hope it works since it's off-brand. I got off the stoll and put it back to where it was and walked over to Asta.

"Is that it?" He asked me, staring at the medicine intensively.

"Yes. Why'd you ask?" I asked him, shaking it before I opened it.

Asta stared at it for a few more seconds before having a look of cringe on his face, it looked like he wanted to escape this room just by looking at the medicine.

"I'm not drinking that." He muttered, looking away, out of his window.

"Why? Don't you want to get better and get back to training?" I asked him with a dead look on my face, opening the medicine.

"I'll do anything but drink that. That medicine will be the death of me." Asta groaned, playing with the covers.

"Come on, it's medicine. The taste will go away in seconds." I told him as I looked at him with the same dead expression on my face, not having his childishness. He looked at the medicine then looked at me again. "Doesn't matter, still not drinking anything that is liquid medicine and cherry flavor at the same time." The green-eyed boy spoke.

"Then I guess I have no choice then." I sighed, I completely opened the medicine, pouring the liquid into the mini measuring cup it came with, I poured the cherry flavored medicine into my mouth then I closed it back putting it on the said boys nightstand, making Asta look at me with a scared face.

"Hey...Y/N, what are you-" Before he would finish asking me what I was doing, I climbed on to his bed where he was as I properly connected my lips with his, making sure that all the medicine that was in my mouth went to his. I held the back of his face and neck tightly so he didn't try to back away. My tongue went through his mouth as his wet muscle explored my cavern. I don't think he noticed that the medicine went through his mouth from mine. I finally disconnected our lips and a string of red saliva came apart as well.

Asta was left speechless from what I've just done. I could tell from the way he was trying to taste the strong cherry flavor in his mouth.

"Get better soon, Asta." I say I walked out of his room, closing the door behind me.



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