Chapter 10:Drastic Changes

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Jamimah's POV

I shoved the last piece of clothing into the small duffel bag and sighed. Packing was stressful no matter how little.

"Where are you going?", A voice asked and I jerked.

"You scared me", I said glaring at Salman.

He just shrugged and repeated the question. He's been grumpy since yesterday.

"I'm moving to Ya Rabi's room. We're having a sleepover", I replied as curtly as I could.

"No", He said and walked out of the closet.

I stood up quickly from the floor where I was sitting almost tripping over the handle of the duffel.

"Excuse me? What do you mean by no?", I yelled at him. I was tired of his grumpy ass.

"No you're not going anywhere. You're staying in this room", He said looking out the window with his hands in his pockets.

As much as I hate to admit it, he looks stunning with the rays of the sun falling on his face. I wanted to take a picture but now's not the time. I'm way to angry. At least I want to be.

"Salman why are you doing this? It's not like I'm leaving the house, I just want to have a sleepover with my girls", I said as calmly as I could.

"You're in the same house so what's the purpose of leaving this room to Rabi'a's. You'll still see them everyday until they leave", He said finally turning to look at me.

I was thrown back by the emotions I saw in his eyes. Anger, resentment, withdrawal and worst of all disappointment.

I decided to drop the topic and ask him what's wrong.

"Okay. I'll do as you say. Now, what's wrong with you?", I ask him.

He stares at me for about ten seconds before walking out of the room.

I felt different emotions but the most prominent one was anger. How did he just ice me like that, no one ices me, I do the icing. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, cause he's Salman after all, but it all ended up with me crying my eyes out on the bed.

"Keh miye nake gani haka(what am I seeing)?", I heard Summayah exclaim. I rolled my eyes amidst the tears.

They all rushed to my side and knelt before the bed.

" What happened? What is it? Why are you crying?", They all bombarded me with questions.

"Is it Salman?", Farida asked me.

"Of course it's Salman. Where is he?", Hameeda asked angrily already standing up with Maimuna following after her.

"Guys no, please", I managed to let out. They stopped and turned back. They came and sat on the bed with the others joining them.

I was so caught up in myself that I just noticed that Farida and Hameeda were present.

"When did you guys come?", I asked them sniffing and wiping my face.

"Hey! Don't try to change the subject. Ki gaya mana meh aka miki ( tell us what happened to you)", Hamnah spoke up.

I didn't want to tell them because Mama told me to keep all fights between us and not invite a third party. But I knew the girls. They'll just keep pushing until I tell them. Besides, I trusted them with my life and I knew none of them would betray me.

"It's Salman, he's been acting weird since yesterday", I spilled.

They shared looks between themselves.

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