Chapter 1:The wedding (Part 1)

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Jamimah's POV

I still can't believe that the wedding is in one week's time. I still have mixed feelings about the wedding. Salman and I are getting along pretty well. He drives me to school and brings me back home since his father gave him a car as a wedding gift. I haven't met Habiba since my first encounter with her. When I asked Salman about her he told me she went back to Kano but will be coming for the wedding.

I'm currently in class daydreaming as usual. We are having Chemistry and Mr Joel was talking about the upcoming WAEC exams and how we needed to be serious. This is our last period for the day and I eagerly awaited closing.

"Miss Jamimah please answer the question I wrote on the board with the explanations I gave yesterday"the teacher suddenly asked me.

"Ummm......sir which question" I foolishly asked.

"Don't be stupid how many questions are on the board. Come and kneel down here." I looked at the clock and noticed saw that it's time for closing so I decided to waste time begging him before the prefect rings the bell.

"What's wrong with this prefect, wawiya kawai(stupid girl)"I thought. At last Her Royal Highness decided to ring the bell.

" Follow me to my office", Mr Joel said. I begged and begged but he didn't even look at me. I just decided to follow him.

When we entered the office he told me to kneel down by the window. Can you believe this man jejely went to his seat and sat and even brought out a cold drink pretending like I wasn't even there. The only thing on my mind was "Hala ma Salman nanan yana nema na(maybe Salman is even looking for me)." I knew he gets angry easily and could leave without me.

I looked out the window and saw Salman talking to Riri and Hameedah. Riri pointed in my direction and I saw Salman turning to look my way. Immediately his eyes met mine I saw him thanking them. He started walking my way and we didn't break eye contact until he reached the door to the office. He knocked on the door and the teacher told him to come in.

"Good afternoon sir"

"Afternoon why are you here?"

" Umm.....pls sir we're going home", Salman said trying his hardest to be polite.

"You and who?", Joel asked.

I honestly can't call him Mr after the dumb question he just asked.

"Jamimah and I", Salman answered him trying to hide his amusement after he saw my expression to Joel's question.

"And when did you become siblings?"the teacher asked.

Someone hold me please cause I'm about to smack this man.

"Actually sir we're cousins" Salman told him.

"But we'll soon be more than that" I thought. The teacher eyed me up and down then told me to leave.

"What did you do this time" Salman asked me as we were walking to his car.

"Dalla share shi kawai(abeg ignore him)" I replied him.

"See you tomorrow?" Salman asked when we reached home.

"Sure" I replied him. He pecked me on the cheek, our usual tradition and I stepped down from the car.

The daurin aure(wedding solemnization) is tomorrow. I'm currently receiving body treatment from a woman from Maiduguri. Some of my cousins and my two best friends were in the room chatting with each other. My phone started ringing and I asked Sumayyah my cousin to pass it to me.

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