Chapter 8:COVID 19

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Jamimah's POV

Immediately I saw Baba, I realized how much I miss home and a new wave of tears hit me.

"I said what's going on here", Baba repeated when no one answered him.

I ran to him and hugged him but he pulled me away and looked at my face.

"My baby, what happened? Meh aka miki(what happened to you)" he asked and I saw Habiba's mom stiffen visibly.

I gasped trying to talk but I just couldn't.

"Alhaji, Lauratu ne kawai tazo ta fara ma Jamimah da Salman masifa, bansan meh suka mata ba(Alhaji, Lauratu just came and started shouting at Jamimah and Salman,I don't even know what they did to her)", Ammi explained to Baba.

Baba turned and looked at Habiba's mom, shook his head and smiled. That just confirmed my suspicions. There's definitely something that happened between Mama, Baba and Umma in the past.

"Yanzu Laure, kin tashi a kan mata ta kin koma kan 'ya ta ko?( you have now moved from my wife to my daughter right)", Baba asked Umma.

"Look at this innocent girl", Baba said pulling me close to him, " you also have a daughter her age, if it was your daughter that someone was treating like this, da kin ji dadi?(would you have tolerated that)".

Umma remained quiet but was still glaring at Baba.

"All I have to tell you is stay away from my daughter. If you have a problem with my wife or I, let's handle it like mature adults. Do not involve any of my kids, especially Jamimah. Idan kuma kunnan qashi kike da (if you don't heed the warning), I promise you won't like the outcome", Baba finished.

God I love this man. I was just standing by his side clutching on to him like my life depended on it.

He turned to Salman and stretched out his hand for a handshake. Salman was reluctant at first cause it is considered disrespectful for a young person to shake a much older person's hand but he later gave in because Baba offered.

I admired Ammi more because that showed that she doesn't joke with her kid's upbringing.

Umma dragged Habiba and they went upstairs while Baba was still exchanging pleasantries with Salman and Ammi.

"Umma ta gaida Aisha (good riddance to bad rubbish)", I heard Nadra mutter beside me.

Okay, that was shocking. I looked at her in amusement.

"Where did you hear that?"

She gave me a naughty grin.
"Hausa film", she said laughing.

Where else? I just patted her head and went to the kitchen.

I grabbed a bottle of Schwepps and water from the fridge and arranged it on a tray for Baba.

"What else, what else", I murmured to myself looking into the fridge. Baba doesn't like sugary things so cupcakes are out of the  picture. I could fry samosas for him but that'll take too long.

I just decided to take the drink and water first then I'd fry the samosas after.

I walked into the parlour and I noticed a change of ambience. Ammi and Salman both had sullen looks on their faces.

I kept the tray on a table beside Baba but as I was about to leave Baba told me to sit down.

"Jamimah", he started, "I don't know how you'll take this but…"

Shikenan! It's either somebody is dead or they were trying to separate Salman and I. I guess he saw the look of urgency on my face so he continued.

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