fixing a damaged heart

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As soon as he said those words Esdeath turned around and walk back towards the living room with Issei following her. As he entered the room he could tell that this was something that you could only imagine in your wildest dreams. Everywhere he looked he found that it was full of all sorts of furniture, a large LCD TV with a fireplace under it.

There were also a lot of pictures and statues that made him wonder if all of the High-class Devil's homes were filled with these type of things. There were also many games to his surprise like a pool table, pinball machine, and a lot of other game platforms that he saw in the human world but couldn't afford it.

Esdeath sneaked a quick look at Issei's figure when he started looking around, once more unknowingly blushing softly at how hot he looked in his casual clothing.

While he didn't look like anything special, however he looked perfect to her. She couldn't explain it but something was attracting her to him, it was like a magnet pulling her towards him and it grew stronger with every look she threw at him.

As Esdeath made her way toward one of the tables in the room, Issei saw that she was looking at a photo, getting closer to her he saw that there were 2 kids and 1 young adult in it. Two of the kids had slick hair, 1 silver and 1 blue while the boy had also silver hair. One looked like a younger Grayfia, while the last one was a girl that had blue hair it was obvious to him that that was Esdeath in her younger days.

(Euclid is older than Grayfia in this story, I didn't knee that at first)

'She looked even cuter as a little girl.' Issei though as he looked at the younger esdeath in the picture.

"Sekiryuutei, leave now before I hurt you. I know why you are here and I don't care about it. I want to be alone." Esdeath suddenly told Issei in cold voice that made him flinch a little but he gritted his teeth as he saw that Esdeath had a few tears running down her face as she turned around to face him.

"And why would you do that? I'm not here to fight you. If I wanted to fight I would have entered Balance-Breaker the moment that Grayfia left." Issei told her softly trying to calm her down but to his disappointment that had a very different result.

"I will not let my sister do as she, pleases. She is more than welcome here, but I don't like being used as some tool to help anyone. I can guess what has she said to you and I don't like it. So get out of HERE!" Esdeath started in a slow and cold voice before she yelled releasing a large amount of aura and her hands started to cover itself with ice making Issei take a few steps away. Esdeath's eyes started glowing in dark blue color as if all the fury she held inside of her was about to unleash at the young Sekiryuutei in front of her.

"Esdeath." He softly said as his eyes were filled with sadness, he saw the fury in her eyes, but he also saw that underneath all of that rage was deep sadness that showed him, she was that much hurt. Issei growled slight seeing the sadness and loneliness and stood his ground. "I know how you feel." Issei said watching esdeath clench her fists.

"What do you know about being used? You never had to fight someone that is your flesh and blood, or watch them getting killed in front of your own eyes! You don't know how it was for me when people first started to try and use me to get close to my sister and her husband. To be manipulated, to be ignored later on when they finish with you. To feel lonely all the time. SO I'M TELLING YOU NOW, GET OUT SEKIRYUUTEEI OR I WILL KILL YOU." Esdeath yelled again as she shot a powerful ice attack at Issei who barely dodge it in time.

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