Chapter 23 : The Perfect Present

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"I'm not really sure about that just yet." I told her, though to be fair, I wasn't even sure if that statement was true.

"See." the woman looked down at Benny, "The King isn't courting anyone. So why would he be shopping for his 'Mrses'?"

"He's in love with that pretty dark-haired girl whom Halima looks after." Benny said, staring at me with wide, brown eyes, "He's buying a present for her."

"Well. He really does knows things!" I chuckled good-naturedly, "That girl? Iduna? It is her birthday soon and I am buying her something. But you got one things wrong; I'm not in love with her." I could almost taste that lie.

"I'm really sorry again Your Majesty." the woman said, "I'll let you just browse and take this little one upstairs. He's causing too much trouble in the shop." she tweaked Benny's nose again and left the room with a slight, one-armed curtsey.

Benny gave a high pitched scream, which reverberated in my ears, as his mother determinedly carried his wriggling form up the stairs at the back of the shop.

I took one last sweeping look around the shop, before leaving it and making my way back to the Castle, empty-handed and disappointed.

Arianna already had her gift sorted out. She had since May and Iduna's Birthday was in July. She always made sure I knew this fact, but it was extremely unhelpful. Perhaps I had left it a little late as Iduna was turning sixteen in three days, but I didn't think I'd have found anything any easier.

The closest I had to a present was the failed surprise feast of cakes and cookies that we'd made the day before. But as Iduna had found out, I didn't think it really counted.

Arianna was reading a book in one of the living rooms when I flopped down on the sofa beside her.

"Find whatever you were looking for?" she asked, hardly looking up from her book.

I shook my head against the pillows, "Not a thing."

She sighed, folded her hands on top of the now closed book, and took in my exhausted being. "Just get her some flowers or something. I'm sure she won't mind. It's the thought that counts. It's a bit late to find anything else. We'll be holding her surprise party tomorrow to throw her off guard."

"I can't get her flowers!" I cried, "She's turning sixteen, 'Anna. Flowers are too plain and boring."

"Another fancy necklace like Christmas three years ago?"

"Too traditional."

"A book?"

"Too predictable."

"Oh come on Agnarr. Help me out here." Arianna said, "What do you want to get her? Can you not think of anything?"

I sat up and looked at her, "No. If I had thought of something I would have come home with it. But as you can see, I have returned with nothing. Absolutely nothing."

"Oh dear me." she rested her head in her hands, "This is just grand!"

I rolled my eyes at her distress; I felt enough of a failure without her complaints making me feel even lower.

"What do you suppose I do now, huh?"

"You!?" I cried, incredulous, "What do you mean you? This is my own mess. Iduna'll have a gift from everyone but me. Don't worry your little silk socks off 'Anna. This doesn't affect you."

Arianna frowned, "You forget, 'Narr, that I've arranged this party. We were all supposed to get Iduna a token of our love for her on this special day. That included you." she gave a growl and threw her arms up in defeat, "Why are you so infuriating?"

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