Recipe for Disaster

Start from the beginning

"She better not be at least until next month, just to avoid any health risk, the doc said."

"I can't wait to be a grandmother!" Mom squealed.

"For now, please don't mention anything related to that, in front of her."

"Sure sure! It must be very hard for her."

"I still can't believe that I let you choose her as the bride, Mina. I know she's nice and all but she is a ticking bomb-carrying our secrets and our son is fucking her."

"Dad, that's harsh, she is my wife," I put down my chopsticks.

"No matter what deal I've closed with her, Bin will always bring her between us. Can't you just move on? I let you looking for her because you knocked her up but she ain't pregnant anymore so why the bother, son?"

"Oh my God, Woosung!" Mom gasped and glared at Dad.

"It's called identifying threats, but God, look what I've done. Marrying my son to the biggest threat."

"She is harmless, Dad. She loves me. She is nice to the Choi family but she never goes against you. You are paranoid. After all, it was you who dragged her to that mess by using her name on your brokerage account to fool the market."

"Enough!" Mom glared at both of us. "Woosung! Bin is our son and Yejin is his wife, we are family and that is final. You are the most powerful man in this country but you can't play God's hands, so drop it! If Bin can choose, I am sure that he won't choose you as his father as well!"

Wow, Mom nailed it. Dad spoke no more and got back to his mung beans.

"So we'll have the last banquet tonight and the inaugural ceremony tomorrow?" I tried to change the topic, I hate to go home only to find us debating againts each other.

"Yes, but we don't attend the first banquet of the new president the next day, we were all invited, but I choose not to. I'll be off to my first holiday in Paris with your Mom right after the inaugural ceremony. You too, no need to show up there."

"Fine by me. I'm going to see Youngjae today."

"Choi Youngjae?"

"How many Choi Youngjae do we know? Yes, that Choi Youngjae. Gonna pay a visit to Choi Jaewook, he is in a critical condition, and we'd like to support him and-"

"You better not," Dad cut me off.


"Since the more I forbid you the more you'll be attracted to, I suggest you, not forbid you, to not going to the hospital to visit him. No need to."

"Okay, what do I miss here?"

"Do I really need to explain that?"

"Spill it, Dad, or I will go to him since you're keeping me in the dark. Anyway, did you invite Park Heesoo as well for tonight's banquet?"

"Such a rebel. Yes, we did, he already answered the RSVP, going to come with his daughter."

"Ahh, I see. Whoever thought that Park Heesoo is going to be Youngjae's father in law," I chuckled.

Suddenly Mom was choked, but Dad looked calm, no, icy.

"What a small world!" Mom made a comment, "Park Heesoo's going to have a great son in law! Good for them both."

"Well, I'm going to spend a penny, then I'll have my last meeting with my ministers, so, you two shall continue without me," Dad stood up, kissed Mom's cheek, and left.

"What is wrong with Dad?"

"He always like that, don't think too much. What took Yejin for so long? I'll come and check on her," Mom stood up and left, heading to out to the ladies room.

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