Chapter One: Slightly Unlucky

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“Are you ready to leave yet Katelyn?” Martin Fernandez asked popping his head into the office, he smiled at the sight of the blonde knowing that he would do anything to make her his; he would gain so much from a marriage with her.

Turning off her computer for the day, Katelyn Cardona rubbed her eyes tiredly and nodded glad that she was finished and that she could finally go home; she was exhausted and wanted nothing more than a glass of wine and a hot bath.

Katelyn didn’t know why she had to work so late but being the owner’s daughter didn’t have any benefits for her; she was sure they were just keeping her busy until they could marry her off.

“I’ve just finished,” Katelyn murmured tiredly, she knew why Martin was hovering around her and it annoyed her; she had told him repeatedly that she didn’t like him like that but her father loved the idea of her dating the board members son.

Getting to her feet, Katelyn stretched before moving to smooth out her cream chiffon bubble blouse and black slim fit trousers that she had paired with black pointed patent stilettos.

“I was thinking that I could take you to dinner, I spoke with your padre and he thought it would be a wonderful idea,” Martin asked making it clear that the decision had already been made for her; her parents adored him and they hoped he would marry their daughter.

Katelyn stared at him, she should have known that he had a reason for hovering around waiting for her to finish; it was late and she wanted nothing more than to go home for the night.

“I was thinking we could try out that new restaurant,” Martin said pleased that Katelyn wasn’t arguing with him, he was sure tonight would be a special night; he planned to ask her to marry him and she would be stupid to say no to him.


Katelyn shouldered her grey zip front tote bag and followed Martin towards his car, she tuned out his incessant talking; she had only agreed to dinner since she knew it was what her parents would want.

Martin didn’t seem to notice that Katelyn wasn’t paying any attention to him, he was thrilled that he had a chance with her and her father approved of their match.

Katelyn felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up causing her to pause and look behind her, she frowned not seeing anyone behind her even though she felt like she was being watched.

“Come on Katelyn… we don’t have all night,” Martin called to the blonde, it was dark out and he had no interest in spending all night in the company car park; he wanted to get to the restaurant before they lost their reservation.

Katelyn blinked turning to look at Martin, she suddenly felt unease and she wished that she’d remembered to pick up her pepper spray; she felt a lot safer when she had it with her.

Slowly walking towards Martin, Katelyn looked around not able to shake the feeling that they were being watched; she didn’t like it and she wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.

Martin gritted his teeth annoyed and stomped back over to Katelyn, he grabbed a hold of her arm making her yelp in surprise before he started to drag her towards his car.

“Martin… you’re hurting me, let go,” Katelyn demanded struggling against his hold, she glared at him wondering what on earth had gotten into him; he had never manhandled her before.

Martin ignored Katelyn, he wanted to make it to the restaurant and they had ten minutes to get there; she would be his fiancée after tonight and her father had already agreed.

Katelyn frowned, she didn’t like this and she wasn’t going anywhere with Martin while he was acting like this; she wanted to get away from him before he got anywhere near the car.

Katelyn dragged her feet and glared at Martin, she had never liked him and she wished he would leave her alone; she brought her left leg up and slammed it down on Martin’s foot, she smirked in triumph as he let her go and cursed.

Martin dropped down to clutch at his foot, Katelyn’s stiletto had acted as a dangerous spike and had broken the skin a little.

Katelyn staggered back from Martin, she clutched at her bag knowing that she wouldn’t hesitate to tell her parents about how he had treated her; she just hoped that she could get to them first.

“You stupid Perra,” Martin seethed getting to his feet, he limped stepping towards Katelyn not used to her fight back; he couldn’t believe that she had done that to him.

Katelyn backed away from Martin, she cursed the fact that they were the last ones in the car park; she wanted someone, anyone to come across them.

“Come here,” Martin ordered limping towards Katelyn, he was going to teach her a lesson for not doing what she was told; he frowned as Katelyn shook her head and continued to back away from him.

“Besa mi culo, puto,” Katelyn spat not going to fall for it, she could see the anger in his grey eyes; she wasn’t going to give him another chance to lay a hand on her.

Slipping off her shoes, Katelyn turned on her heel and ran knowing she would get further without them; she had to get away from him and she was sure she’d be able to call a friend to come and pick her up.


Katelyn wasn’t sure how far she ran down the street before she came to a stop, she breathed heavily looking around not spotting Martin anywhere behind her; she shivered as she wondered what she was going to do now.

Katelyn looked around wandering where she had ended up, she needed to know where she was so that she could tell someone to come and get her.

Reaching into her bag for her mobile, Katelyn cursed moving things around realising that she had left it back at her office; she couldn’t believe that she had left it there.

Katelyn sighed looking back the way she had come, she had no other choice but to head back to the locked up building in hopes that one of the security guards would let her back inside to retrieve her phone.

Starting to walk back, Katelyn hoped that Martin was gone and she had a feeling he would have already informed her parents of her ‘terrible’ behaviour; she wouldn’t be hearing the end of it anytime soon.

Movement behind her caught Katelyn’s attention, she turned around nervously hoping it was just some tramp; she continued moving backwards not wanting to stop.

Katelyn’s blue eyes looking around spotting nothing in the street put a parked black car with blacked out windows; she shook her head knowing that she was just being silly.

An arm wrapped itself around Katelyn’s neck pulling the blonde flush against someone’s chest; she struggled fearing that it was Martin when her attacker covered her mouth with a white cloth.

Katelyn struggles grew weaker as her world started to grow darker, she forced her elbow back in hopes of winding her attacker into letting her go; the two tattooed arms only tightened around her as the man cursed.

Just before Katelyn passed out, she spotted the black car moving towards her and she knew that this had nothing to do with Martin and she was in serious trouble.

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