Chapter 2

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"Kongpob, stop sighing so much. He's fine already."

Kongpob looked up at Aim and nodded his head.

His eyes moved towards his little brother who was sleeping on the bed in their house.

Kongpob and Aim had immediately gone to the hospital after the call from Sam's teacher. Sam had already been suffering from asthma since age 2 and it always made Kongpob tensed. It's been months since something like this had happened.

When they had reached the hospital, Sam had already recovered. He had an oxygen mask on his mouth and when he saw Kongpob, he lifted his hands asking Kongpob to come near him.

When Sam hugged him tight, it was only then Kongpob could breathe normally. Tears gathered up in the corner of his eyes but he restrained. He didn't want to show himself as a weak person in front of his brother.

Kongpob blamed himself for Sam's condition. He had forgotten that morning to keep the inhaler in Sam's backpack before going to school. His mind was too much occupied with the bundle of assignments he had to submit that day and others which he had to complete.

Hearing Sam call him papa through the mask brought endless emotions in him. He still remembers that one day when Sam called him Papa when he was two years old. They had gone to a park that day and Sam saw a child calling for her papa. Sam then called Kongpob Papa telling Kongpob was his papa in his baby voice, at that young age Sam didn't know about anything. Kongpob used to call himself P'Kong in front of Sam. It surprised Kongpob, but somehow he felt soo right hearing Sam call him that, memories of their father and mother flooding his mind. That day onwards Kongpob told Sam to call him Papa, he wanted him to feel the happiness when you call that one person your father. Kongpob might not be his real father but he was both a mother and father for him since their parents' death.

"Kong, let's eat something. It's already getting late."

Kongpob looked up at Aim then back at Sam, he kissed his forehead before he stood up.

"Hey, P'Arthit has sent food for us. He saw you running like a mad man at the campus. He got worried and called me to ask what happened."

Aim explained as they moved to the kitchen.

Kongpob's eyes lit up at the name of his senior, but he soon covered it up with a cough. He couldn't believe that Arthit loves him soo much.

"I've to thank him tomorrow. Him being like this is not at all helping my condition." Kongpob frowned.

Aim looked at his friend with an eyebrow raised.

"What are you doing, Kongpob? On one end you love him and on the other end you don't want to confess to him even though P'Arthit is behind you like a puppy."

Kongpob frowned at Aim and kept quiet while he opened the packet of food and saw a small note in it.

Hey Kong,

How is Sam? Is he fine? I'm really worried about him. Hope he gets well soon.
If you need my help please do inform me. I'm more than happy to help you.
Message me if you can.


"I can see all hearts here!" Aim exclaimed as he looked at his friend's smiling face.

Kongpob quickly hid the note in his pocket, the smile still lingering on his lips.

"Don't spout nonsense, Aim."

Even though Arthit has Kongpob's number they barely call or message each other. Ever since the beginning of the second year, he had been receiving these small notes and letters from Arthit who hid it inside his locker or sometimes on his table in class with his ice coffee. After the senior got to know that Kongpob liked letters because it was romantic after a random conversation between the seniors and juniors Arthit started to communicate through these notes.

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