"A-ah..sure.." He politely replied to her making her quickly get her phone from her pocket and handing it to him. He quickly typed in a random series of numbers that he wasn't sure was a real phone number.

He gave her back her phone and bowed to her. "I guess we should see each other some other time, Ms..." (YN) told her trying to get her name.

"Ah! You can just call me Eunbi!" She smiled towards him as she answered. (YN) returned the smile before he quickly waved and walked away from her and towards the nearest food place he could find and with the sky drizzling, he began to ran.

Eunbi watched him as he got further and further away from her with a smile on her face. "He really is something..hehe~" Eunbi told herself as she giggled and walked deeper into the building.

She then got on an elevator and went to the floor her sister's office is in. She slowly got off the elevator and walked through the halls and stumbled upon a cubicle area with people.

She gave them a quick look before continuing to her office.

*Meanwhile with (YN)*

He walked in a good burger shop not so far from the office and there wasn't much customers at the time so immediately went in line. Once he arrived in front of the counter, he was greeted by one of the employees.

"What would you like, Sir?" He looked at them with an embarrassed before he awkwardly whispered. "The whole menu please.." The employee was shocked by this and continued to take note of his order.

"That must be one big party you're having.." The employee told him. He slowly nodded towards them as he fished the company's card out of his pocket and handing it to them.

They gave him a number card and told him to sit down and wait for everything. He looked at the shop and noticed a familiar girl eating by herself at the corner of the restaurant.

"Chaewon-ah!" He called out as he walked to her table. Chaewon, who was staring out the window suddenly looked at him as he walked over and placed the burger down on her plate.

"(YN)-sunbae, what are you doing here?" He smiled at her and waved his arm arm as he sat down. "You could drop the formalities, You can just call me (YN)." He told her with a smile.

"And as to why I'm here, Ms.Kang suddenly ordered me to buy food for her.." He continued. He quickly noticed her holding her stomach and the expression on her face seemed like she was in pain.

"Is there something wrong?" (YN) asked. Chaewon took a slow sip from her drink on the table and shyly smiled at him.

"I think I'm gonna have indigestion..stress from work makes my feel stomach weak..." Chaewon told him.

(YN) suddenly held her left hand and started massaging the base her thumb softly. Chaewon felt a sudden spark from (YN)'s action. Her heart flipped and flipped and she flinched her hand away from the man right in front of her.

"(Y-YN)-sunbae, what are you doing?!" Chaewon stuttered out with her being flustered from his sudden action.

"I told you to drop the formalites. just call me (YN), Chaewon-ah." He grabbed her hand again once more and start massaging it.

"My mother once told me to do this when someone starts to feel indigestion. it helps your stomach relax and eventually help you in digesting your food." he said as he focus on massaging her hand.

Chaewon took a look on (YN) like she is browsing a magazine or a catalog. She might not notice at first, but she admitted to herself that (YN) didn't look that bad.

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