Chapter 21: I let You Go

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Naruko P.O.V

I ran into the apartment in hope that I wasn't too late; I needed to see him one last time before he left. I turned the corner and saw a blue light shining from Sasuke's room. Without a second thought, I placed my hand on the doorknob and swung the door open in a panic. Before I could even shout his name, my mouth shut in pain as I saw my husband crying into his hands.


I slowly made my way to where he was, not saying a single word. My breath began to steady and the feeling of panic slowly began to calm. I had to be calm for what was about to happen. It was my turn to handle him at his worst. 

"I see...Naori couldn't keep you out..." he whispered between breaths while still holding his face in the palms of his hands. 

I didn't respond. I simply stared and waited for him to look up at me. He wiped his face and took a deep breath


I wrapped my arms around him, not giving him the chance to finish. He dug his face into the nape of my neck, indulging himself in my touch as he cried. 

"You promised me that you wouldn't leave without telling me, you big idiot," I teased with tears running down my cheeks.

"Shut up, loser..." he whispered back.

My embrace began to tighten around him as I heard the sound of the time machine counting down for his departure. "Sasuke, I don't care about what happens in the future. I don't care that our future is tragic or miserable. I just want to be with you. You make me happy and no one else...So please let me stay by your side. Let me love you and never let you go."

He slowly raised his head to deny my request. "I can't let you Naruko. I can't let you love me."

"Why? Why can't we work around the problems? I'm sure there's some way to make everything work!"

He shook his head. "No. There isn't..."

"Come on Sasuke, there's no way that's true. We can work out the kinks now so we won't  have to worry about them later-!"

"Naruko, please stop!"

My eyes widened at his harsh tone of voice. "Sasuke..."

He removed himself from my arms and stood at a distance from me. He looked around the room and then sighed. "Do you know what this room becomes in the future?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"It was a nursery. The nursery we painted lavender for our first child that never came. Then we waited for the second one, and he didn't make it either. The third one bearly survived a month, and the fourth one is currently holding on for dear life. This room was never used in the seven years we've been married and it never will."

I sat on the floor, trying to process what he had just told me. Sasuke and I were trying to have a family and couldn't, but that didn't mean we couldn't try adopting or some other options. There are ways around that, and for us to give up just because of that is simply ridiculous.

I opened my mouth to protest, but Sasuke held his hand over my mouth in pain. "I know what you're going to say I can't bear to hear that again...Please Naruko, you need to let me go."

I removed his hand from my mouth with a sigh. "Sasuke, tell me everything that happened."

"I can't-"

"You need to. How am I suppose to just let you go without having a real reason? 'I won't make you happy.' Tch, that's meaningless if you don't have proof to back it up. So Sasuke, tell me everything that happened or I'm going to choose to make my own happiness by finding you in this time."

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